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MrRobinson · 51-55, M
The pose if very stiff. For women, it is much better if they face a bit away from the camera with their body and then turn their head towards the camera. Once you have that, you can also get her to lower the shoulder closest to the camera.
MrRobinson · 51-55, M
@SimplyTracie I wish. I'm not sure I could handle weddings - too much pressure to get everything right on the spot. I haven't had my camera out for about a year now. I did some online courses on portrait photography and poses. There are courses on modellign as well as portrait photography. Is that you in the picture?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@MrRobinson That’s Ivanka Trump
MrRobinson · 51-55, M
@SimplyTracie Oh, I didn't know what she looked like. I'm not American and don't follow the Trump family.

Selah ·
Someone said the trumps stand like Sims waiting for instructions
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Selah Oh funny 😂😂😂
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1Dogma · F
@Selah I love playing Sims but no Trump-look-alike there. 😂
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
The pose looks a little stiff in my opinion.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Fungirlmmm Yeah. That too
it's... rather ... stiff and a touch unnatural. I feel like the angle really should change significantly, higher, lowers, possibly off to one side. what is the point? just the garden feature? is it a famous place to be in? it's not a bad pic, but I'm not really thrilled with it.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@dirge Thank you. I was thinking the same thing
SweetMae · 70-79, F
It seems like a very unnatural pose.
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@SweetMae I wonder if it was purposeful. 🤔
Pfuzylogic · M
Beautiful garden reminds me of the Taj Mahal for some reason in its elegance.
A very pretty girl but if you are trying to take a picture of her it doesn’t do her justice.
Edit: Just did a visual search on it.
I thought that was Ivanka Trump.
Pfuzylogic · M
@SimplyTracie He was trying to get an investor with money. I don’t think the Palestinians carry that much credit to interest Jared.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Pfuzylogic Yeah I dunno either
Pfuzylogic · M
I googled. “Saudi investors for Jared”
The composition broke a number of photography rules.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@CookieCrumbs True. Name one broken rule.
Looks stiff and unnatural. The composition is a little off center.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
You prefer that centered portrait look? Sometimes that works well.
It’s a pretty pic.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@JustGoneNow Blame the photographer. 😡
@SimplyTracie some of it’s the model, though. She should know better than such a plastic smile.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@JustGoneNow That’s true. 😝
nowic2 · 61-69, M
As others have said, it looks stuff & uncomfortable. I would have either zoomed in or been closer. Assuming you are the subject there is far to much background so subject & background compete. I would also have taken from another angle being centred in between the pillars detracts from the shot. Photography's rule of thirds would have you slightly off centre.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@nowic2 I think the photographer might have used the pillars to frame her. Maybe being to critical but the tree over her head bothers me a bit too.
nowic2 · 61-69, M
@SimplyTracie yes, I get the framing aspect but it would have technically been better to have her slightly off centre with the tree to the side so it doesn't come out of her head. There is simply too much happening there to be a good shot.
Teslin · M
I really don't see any specific pose. She is just standing there?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Teslin Exactly my point.
Mona86 · C
But the building and gardening can also be Mexico ?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Mona86 True. The surrounding could be anywhere so do a closeup. 😊
erosme · 46-50, M
One more for her collection?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@erosme There’s more. 🤭
TexChik · F
She appears washed out in that white suit, the back ground is distracting and does not add to the subject. She needed to be in front of a darker more colorful back ground
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@TexChik I thought about that. I wonder if there was a bit of in-camera adjustments done. She’s standing in the shadows so you might think the background would be washed out.
TexChik · F
@SimplyTracie possibly
HannahSky · F
@SimplyTracie almost looks photoshopped in
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@HannahSky It does huh. 😮
HannahSky · F
@SimplyTracie looks like her head on top of her stepmother's body
th3r0n · 41-45, M
The pose and facial expressions both seem quite uncomfortable
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@th3r0n It looks forced or hurried huh?
th3r0n · 41-45, M
@SimplyTracie very much that, almost lifeless and just for display
Heartlander · 80-89, M
Too symmetrical. Not framed or centered well. If the picture is of the garden, then she's the distraction. If the picture is of her, then the garden is the distraction. As is, they don't compliment one another. All in my humble opinion :)
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Heartlander I agree with your opinion. Maybe add bokeh you the background huh?
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@SimplyTracie I think head to toe images of people are difficult to frame. If the focus is sharp enough it would probably crop well with the center being about at her neck and zoomed in much closer.
Mona86 · C
But the building and gardening can also be Mexico ?
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
I think the girl spoils it... She would be better leaning against one of the pillars turning her face towards the camera... But that is only my subjective opinion
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SimplyTracie without her it's a nice essay on symmetry ...
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@ozgirl512 Yeah she messed up the rhythm huh? 😾
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
@SimplyTracie in my opinion yes ...
Looks ok to me. She seems a bit uncomfortable. Is that Ivanka?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@quitwhendone Yes it is.
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
I think it is a nice picture, my first thought was someone locked away, none of the doors are open, she looks locked away.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Roadsterrider She does look uncomfortable huh?
Stiff, robotic, unnatural.
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Shutterbug · 56-60, M
Wannabe? 😲

While the post might not work,the subject needs to be lit better. Eye is drawn to the brighter parts which is the background.

Nice backlighting just needs some more light on her face
it's like i'm in a dystopian universe
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Dewms It’s not that bad. 😂😂😂
@SimplyTracie foreal tracie! either hunger games or divergent lol
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Dewms Okay. 😝
Get her into Hunger Games.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
The horizon is falling. She's not in the center - not sure if it was any better if the tree grew right from her head though, the tips of shoes are almost cut, I don't like the colors
Mona86 · C
Is she in India?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Mona86 Yes. New Delhi
Mona86 · C
The building and out fit gives it away .@SimplyTracie
Mona86 · C
But then again that can also be a Pakistan?

But it’s India @SimplyTracie
TanMiaoMiao · 31-35, F
😹is that you?
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
No 😂😂😂
TanMiaoMiao · 31-35, F
😺I rmb u look much prettier@SimplyTracie
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@TanMiaoMiao Awww 🥰
Tanoos · 41-45, F
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Tanoos What is? The pose?
Tanoos · 41-45, F
@SimplyTracie no..the garden
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@Tanoos Yes it is. Do you know if that’s a plumeria tree behind her?
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
At least the landscaping looks good
HeteroDox · 41-45, F
the tree looks great?
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@SW-User It is kinda boring huh?
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Great shot,she has a fantastic figure too but the outfit is awful.x
@SimplyTracie I'd prefer she either lined up evenly with the path behind her or was off to the side about 1.5 to 2 feet
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@ProdigalSummer Yeah yeah 🙂
Either center or use the rule of thirds.
CrustyDDingus · 36-40, M
I thought you'd be taller 😏
AllAboutLaffs · 80-89, M
Stiff and unnatural ... no personality ... and she has a tree growing out of her head
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@AllAboutLaffs Yeah. 😝
1Dogma · F
immaculate and virginal 😉
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@1Dogma A bodhi tree?
1Dogma · F
@SimplyTracie you said it's plumeria...
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@1Dogma I dunno what kinda tree it is. I just thought a bodhi tree is more pure.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
She looks plastic.
SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@MarkPaul Plastic women. Hmmm 🤔
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@LvChris 😆🤣
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SimplyTracie · 26-30, F
@LvChris I would never.
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