Hi, my lil bro found this kitten at an abandoned house, and brought her home since she had no chance of living without parents. But as we never had a pet we dont know what we should do, how I should feed her, what she can eat and what things we need to care of about her Could you guys please help me a bit with her until I find some people to adopt it? Thanks already
1. Get a litter box. Put your kitty in the litter box a few times until she realizes what it's there for.
2. Buy some kitten food - don't obsess about fancy stuff. Some kibble is fine. Just what you can afford. Feed according to the directions on the package, but kittens like small, frequent meals.
3. Make sure there is plenty of water available for her.
4. Get her to a vet if at all possible for a checkup.
Provided you've got food, water, and a litter box your kitten can take care of herself. Play with her a bunch, and be gentle 'cause she's tiny. Toys work, but honestly a piece of string will be great fun too.
Edit: Kittens love milk but it gives them the shits which can be dangerous. Water is fine for her. And make sure you get kitten food, not cat food. It's higher in fat. For snacks, just buy some proper cat treats.
Please call the animal shelter and get their advice. It's free...it needs kitten food. No milk. Do not give it meow mix or kibbles and bits. It's like kiddie McDonald's and can make them sick!
you're online... keyword in google "proper care for a kitten" and "food to feed kittens"
"how to feed kittens" if you got a pet store near by or a grocer.. get some supplies and a baby bottle... formula and lactose free for baby stuff.... and maybe soft mushy food, baby type and baby oatmeals or dry foods you can stir milk into.
something like a cream of wheat or oat also. that's how i used to do it.
Reach out to the spca in your area or some kind of cat rescuers. They will help you or take it and place in a home. They are great as far as fixing it, shots and giving you advice. This is what happened when we got our first kitten. They were wonderful!!!
What a little cutie. I hope she is healthy!
No , water is better , milk upsets their tummies and bring to the vet asap
Hey. Cat like milk.also milk is good for growing. they can eat meat and give the cat normal cat food which you can buy at a pet store. and yes water is good too.. that is all i give to my cat.
cow milk isnt that good for cats you can buy cat milk from the vet.. but water is good plus you can buy wet food. as wet food has the moisture and nutrients they need.
Thank you all I fed her with warm lactose free milk today, tomorrow I will get her kitten food I gave her a little ball to play with, she seemed unimpressed actually I got her a water bowl, she drinks a bit and mostly just puts her paws in it She was in a bad shape first day my bro found her, now she looks better She is asleep now, looks safe and sound Thank you all again for the help