Lilyyy7 · 18-21, F
I believe we will see them in heaven
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Heaven is reserved for the one creation with a soul. Humans .
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@LadyGrace that’s exactly what I said . They were chosen to receive his word. (Covenant ).
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
@AthrillatheHunt THE WHOLE WORLD
@AthrillatheHunt Not just them. The whole world. That's exactly what John 3:16 means that God came to save the whole world, not just some.
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
I had a puppy when I was a child somewhere around 12-13 year old and after a year, I lost him. He wanted not to be chained and not to live under the four walls. He went out and every quarter, we woukd get his glimpse here and there but after one or two more years, I could not find him as he became a stray dog. I would let him become one so his needs and freedom were met.
I will sure be happy see him in heaven.
I will sure be happy see him in heaven.
@DanielsASJ I hope we do.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
Wait... I do so miss my dog very much..
I do believe they have souls.. dogs have dreams. There has to be more to them than we can prove.
To those that treat their pets to fight and attack other dogs makes me wonder if that dog/pet will follow their trainer/owner to hell?
Are our beloved pets, waiting for us in heaven?
Is there a hell for bad pets..
As ridiculous as i may sound with this thought, im just sayin' .
I hope to see my dog on the other side.
Heaven or .........
I do believe they have souls.. dogs have dreams. There has to be more to them than we can prove.
To those that treat their pets to fight and attack other dogs makes me wonder if that dog/pet will follow their trainer/owner to hell?
Are our beloved pets, waiting for us in heaven?
Is there a hell for bad pets..
As ridiculous as i may sound with this thought, im just sayin' .
I hope to see my dog on the other side.
Heaven or .........
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
@LadyGrace this sounds really comforting, more than what came out of my head...
Thanks for that..
Reading your post just took my thoughts into a spiral...
Thanks for that..
Reading your post just took my thoughts into a spiral...
@SledgeHammer yes it is wonderful to think about and dream about, seeing our pets again. There's information in my post that I think some have not even realized so thank you for reading it and digesting it.
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
akindheart · 61-69, F
yes we will. i am sure of it
@akindheart I think so too honey. I don't see why not but time will tell.
akindheart · 61-69, F
@LadyGrace i will have lots waiting...
@akindheart Awwww, me too.
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@SW-User I hope I do too. That would be so great.
exexec · 70-79, C
I look at people whose only friends in life are their pets. This is especially true of a child. Heaven wouldn't be a very happy place for them if their beloved pets weren't there.
@exexec Well I'm sure heaven would make anyone happy, but I know what you mean. It would mean so much more to them if they saw their beloved pet in heaven. I'm sure God considers that. The Bible says he wants to give us the desires of our heart and for me that means he cares about my day-to-day life and who I miss and what I miss. He knows how much I miss my beloved cat that passed and other of my animals. I can surely see him allowing me to have them with me again in heaven. Time will tell. And if that's not his will, then I feel that he will erase the memory of them from our minds, but I don't see that. I appreciate your thoughts on this subject.
Fionnuala · 41-45, F
There's also a scripture that says, twice in Ezekiel 18, God declares that souls die: "The soul who sins shall die" (Ezekiel 18:4, 20),
Animals do not sin, only man. These scriptures tell us that man is a soul (physical) and dies for his sins, returning lifeless to the ground. Which is why I'll never believe that souls are immortal.
Animals do not sin, only man. These scriptures tell us that man is a soul (physical) and dies for his sins, returning lifeless to the ground. Which is why I'll never believe that souls are immortal.
@Fionnuala Thank you so much for your own personal thoughts on this. I really appreciate it. I love to discuss these things. And that verse you quoted is absolutely true. God's Word says that all of us are in the same spiritual need of a Savior, as sin always keeps us separated from God, until we ask for his forgiveness, and then he cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Not only does he forgive us our sins, but he remembers them no more. Here are some verses to confirm that:
Isaiah 43:25: "I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins"
Hebrews 8:12: "I will remember their sins no more"
Hebrews 10:17: "I will remember their sins no more"
Micah 8:17: "He will cast our sins into the depths of the sea"
Psalm 103:12: "As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us"
Revelation 1:5: "To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood"
That verse in Ezekiel asserts that all souls belong to God and highlights the profound principle of individual responsibility for one's actions. This message serves as a corrective to a pervasive proverb among the Israelites that attempted to absolve individuals of guilt, by blaming their ancestors for misfortunes.
The scripture confirms that man is not only physical, but is spiritual, in that God breathed into man, and made him a living soul:
Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living soul.
This verse describes the creation of Adam, where God breathed life into him, causing him to become a "living soul".
God is fair... sin is not. Sin always keeps us separated from God until we ask Jesus to forgive us, which he is more than willing to do as he is not willing that any should perish. John 3:16. Jesus came to Earth to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save it. John 3:17
Jesus wanted to make sure that he did not leave us to guess how to have salvation which was his mission when he came to Earth. He wants us to plan for where we shall spend eternity. If we miss that, we will miss everything because we just can't drag our sins into a holy heaven so we must prepare our souls now, Jesus said, so that when we cross over into eternity, will know where we're going. That is security. The Bible says if we do nothing to prepare, then we shall stay separated from him and heaven. It would be a terrible thing to lose our own soul. There's no changing our minds once we cross over into eternity.
Our body dies, but the Bible said our spirit never dies. Remember the thief on the cross? Though his body was about to die, he recognized and acknowledged Jesus as His Savior, and he told him so. And Jesus answered him and said you have my promise that you will be with me in heaven today. The Bible says that he will turn no one away, who wants to invite Jesus into their heart and life as their Savior.
The main message is that people do die in their sin, if they have not asked for forgiveness. They die not only a physical death, but a spiritual death, separated from Christ and heaven, until they ask Jesus to save them.
Jesus not only said he loves us, he proved it on the cross. No one will ever love us like Jesus.
Isaiah 43:25: "I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins"
Hebrews 8:12: "I will remember their sins no more"
Hebrews 10:17: "I will remember their sins no more"
Micah 8:17: "He will cast our sins into the depths of the sea"
Psalm 103:12: "As far as the east is from the west, so far does He remove our transgressions from us"
Revelation 1:5: "To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood"
That verse in Ezekiel asserts that all souls belong to God and highlights the profound principle of individual responsibility for one's actions. This message serves as a corrective to a pervasive proverb among the Israelites that attempted to absolve individuals of guilt, by blaming their ancestors for misfortunes.
The scripture confirms that man is not only physical, but is spiritual, in that God breathed into man, and made him a living soul:
Genesis 2:7
Then the Lord God formed the man out of the dust from the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living soul.
This verse describes the creation of Adam, where God breathed life into him, causing him to become a "living soul".
God is fair... sin is not. Sin always keeps us separated from God until we ask Jesus to forgive us, which he is more than willing to do as he is not willing that any should perish. John 3:16. Jesus came to Earth to save us from the condemnation that sin placed on all of us. Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world but to save it. John 3:17
Jesus wanted to make sure that he did not leave us to guess how to have salvation which was his mission when he came to Earth. He wants us to plan for where we shall spend eternity. If we miss that, we will miss everything because we just can't drag our sins into a holy heaven so we must prepare our souls now, Jesus said, so that when we cross over into eternity, will know where we're going. That is security. The Bible says if we do nothing to prepare, then we shall stay separated from him and heaven. It would be a terrible thing to lose our own soul. There's no changing our minds once we cross over into eternity.
Our body dies, but the Bible said our spirit never dies. Remember the thief on the cross? Though his body was about to die, he recognized and acknowledged Jesus as His Savior, and he told him so. And Jesus answered him and said you have my promise that you will be with me in heaven today. The Bible says that he will turn no one away, who wants to invite Jesus into their heart and life as their Savior.
The main message is that people do die in their sin, if they have not asked for forgiveness. They die not only a physical death, but a spiritual death, separated from Christ and heaven, until they ask Jesus to save them.
Jesus not only said he loves us, he proved it on the cross. No one will ever love us like Jesus.
Shybutwilling2bfriends · 61-69
Good to know
@Shybutwilling2bfriends well I'm not saying for sure but personally I feel we will, given the scriptures I quoted. God knows how much we live our animals and he does too. I can't see him keeping them from us, just as we look forward to seeing our loved ones in heaven.
Lilymoon · F
Pretty sure they have souls 🤷♀
@Lilymoon The Bible doesn't say that specifically, so that is why I cannot confirm that. We do know that they don't have the same type of spirit in them as humans do, as we are God's crown creation and animals cannot reason so that they can have salvation, so apparently it's not required of them.
Humans are said to be created in God's image, implying a unique spiritual capacity that animals lack.
Humans are said to be created in God's image, implying a unique spiritual capacity that animals lack.
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
they can come see you in hell during visiting hours
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Obviously you don't know how freedom of religion works or you wouldn't have been showing your hatred for my post. And you shouldn't make fun of people's speech and you don't know this guy and who he worships so hopefully you will learn to accept others who don't feel the same way you do. We didn't ask for your hatred.
I'm just trying to explain how freedom of religion works in my country. having different beliefs is not a crime here. hopefully you will accept others who don't worship your god or gods. they didn't ask for your hatred
Obviously you don't know how freedom of religion works or you wouldn't have been showing your hatred for my post. And you shouldn't make fun of people's speech and you don't know this guy and who he worships so hopefully you will learn to accept others who don't feel the same way you do. We didn't ask for your hatred.
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