Nefarious · 26-30, M
The milk has not yet been exposed to the air, which is full of bacteria that love to grow in milk. ... The milk doesn't go bad because the cow's body is making it and she's designed to not sour her own milk, just like any other mammal. The cow gets milked twice a day.
And bad things would happen of the milk was just left in there...
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Blessedsoul81 · 41-45, C
It seems you do not have a refridgerator. let me do the honourable thing of being your Milkmaid! I will provide you with fresh tasty milk from the cow anytime you want! even if it means one has to wear a long dress and apron! hmmmm the things I do for people!

immune system
yourwife101 · 31-35, F
Black magic
Goralski · 56-60, M
Same with semen
Taliesin33 · 46-50, M
You're putting semen in your cow? 🤔
Goralski · 56-60, M
@Taliesin33: only using my fist