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Can anyone answer a replacement for hay?

Apparently, I have gotten a bunny recently! It is adorable! as much as their adorable they're a big responsibility for sure! need lots of food, attention, and make sure they don't bite wires if they're free to roam. But recently while setting their cage I had a very horrible allergic reaction to the hay, Timothy hay, I got from the pet store. I got sent to the hospital during the night. Puffy eyes, runny nose, and couldn't breathe too well. I never knew I was allergic to hay. So yay Hay's fever!? But yes I need help to finding newer hay to add to his cage, my so-called "Guardians" are deciding if its the hay or the bunny that made me allergic but believe me. I had that bunny for 5 hours with me alone hiding behind me and all before I started setting up his little new home. Once I opened that bag. That's when it all started. So please help find out what type of hay do I need now? Is there some sort of replacement for the people who are so allergic to it for some weird reason? I handled hay before I am rather very confused with what is going on with this issue! Thanks!
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
straw or alfalfa
There are better things than hay. This site has a list for you.
Best Bedding for Guinea Pigs: Top 9 List for Great Odor Control ...
I use lavender wood shavings , it’s cheaper and it doesn’t harm them and it keeps bad smells away , and it doesn’t cause infections or illnesses
Go to local pet store they should have the specific type bedding for rabbits or can help you find a different type
english · 56-60, M
why dont you phone a vet, or pet store,🤔
Mary3419 · 26-30, F
@english Compared to text, I am less confident to ask in calls; as well as talk as I normally would. I am better off going down there somehow. But at the very moment, I am just being told either find better bedding or that bunny goes.
english · 56-60, M
@Mary3419 thats out of order the bunny has to go ? what about googling any results there. it seems such a simple thing 🤔 good luck hun 🤗
silentwriter180 · 56-60, F
My nephew takes recycled paper out of his shredder and uses that. Not newspapers, though with their nasty dyes, but regular paper and envelopes.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Wood shavings.

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