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Will my feral cat ever be close?

About a year and a half ago I started feeding and taking care of a cat that was left behind when a neighbor moved.It’s definitely an outside feral cat. I feed and water her, give her treats and even built a nice insulated cat box. I even put a heating pad in it so she wouldn’t get cold! Still she pretty much ignores me. Only on rare occasions will she let me pet her. Is it bc she’s feral, or are some cats just that way?
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🙏 Thank you so much for taking such great care of this cat. She seems very wild and scared, but there's nothing wrong with her. Perhaps she was abused in the past, but cats all have their own personalities. The fact that she even lets you touch her once in awhile, tells me she does appreciate what you do for her. You're a great lady. God bless you for helping her. 💐 🤗
Rambler · 61-69, M
She will probably never let you get close, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate you in her silent cat way. We had a feral cat that ran at the sight of us for a long time but, eventually, would climb onto my wife’s lap. Never my lap, though. So you never know.
pedrohedgerow · 61-69, M
I dont know the reason she is as she is,but I love the heart behind your actions. 👍️
Me too! 👍 @pedrohedgerow
After 1.5 years it’s not going to happen. Why not get a cat for yourself and still feed the feral one?
I wasn’t aware of that, thank you. I’ve never had a feral cat. @CereBellum
@LadyGrace People don’t own feral cats, as they are unsocialized and tends to be fearful of people.
Oh, wow. Thank you for such good information. @CereBellum
Wraithorn · 51-55, M
I presume that is because it's feral. It is unusual for a cat to turn it's nose up at a life of luxury. Possibly it has serious trust issues for some reason.
In any case, thank you for being kind to the cat.
Some cats are loving and some cats are emotionally unavailable. LOL
Goralski · 56-60, M
You two will be as close as me and my raccoon friends
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
you seem like a very special lady okay.. A stray cat and your ex-husband!.
I wish you peace and happiness with both of those decisions :-)
firefall · 61-69, M
it's because she's been deserted before, she's not used to anyone being nice to her, and will take a couple more years to get used to the idea I would guess
heavyone2 · 61-69, M
Some cats are just that way.... kind of "take your number, check ya later" Then others are stuck to Try some tuna ,, it will be your friend forever. I use it to tame em. Works nicely.
akindheart · 61-69, F
i take care of feral cats. some are friendly, some are not. just know you are doing the right thing. get the cat neutered though please
CathyUK · 56-60, F
Give her time, and let her come to you if she chooses.
RemovedUsername845031 · 56-60, M
Wherever she lays her furball that's her home lol. Probably lives part time in luxury and puts on her feral attire when she is bored teasing the love out of us all xx
Mindful · 56-60, F
Both. I t might even have a health condition that makes her irritable tho touch. I’m sure she appreciates what you give. Best to get yourself another cat or toy puppy. Puppies are most loving. Ridiculous how much the “toy” want tlc.

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