@YouCanCallMeDan Hahaha! Highly unlikely, but thats funny! Actually, if its depressed you're suppose to change up their tank with stuff for them to swim through & whatnot...change of scenery always does me good too!
no wonder.. they have these frauds who do 'cruelty free fishing' where the fish with HOOKS and catch the fish and then yank the hook out leaving the fish injured and returning them to an environment full of bacterial to spread and have a massive fish kill occur.
@sighmeupforthat Yeah I see that in Alaska, it's called snag fishing which is illegal there. Idk about other States. Heck I feel bad catching a fish thats too small and swallows the hook, thus you know it ends up dying cuZ you had to rip its throat out. Poor fish. I don't fish much these days at all. If I do, its catch and release and hopefully with as little damage as possible. But John Tesh was actually referring to pet fish...lol