ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
Yep a few times!
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@ravenwind43 Oh no. I felt bad for the deer, even though my car was damaged.
ravenwind43 · 51-55, F
@MeInCharge I have grown up in the country so it's rather commonplace. I decapitated one ugh. Lost my headlights on that one. The first one should have killed me but still here fortunately!:)

No but I saw one somersault on another's hood because they didn't see it coming. Yeeesch.
ProdigalSummer · F
No, but I've been a passenger in one.
walabby · M
Nope, but I have hit my share of kangaroos... :/
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@walabby I apologize and feel awful for laughing.
walabby · M
@MeInCharge It's OK... Just think of 'roos being two legged deer...
metalicblack · 46-50, M
No, but my car was hit by a deer
taintedprincess · 46-50, F
Yes.. It was aweful.
Ugh... that TheCar is so careless!

No. But very nearly some years ago in Dorset in October very misty came round a bend and huge stag staring me down just stopped in time. I remember his breath swirling from his nostrils. He was big... it would not have been pretty if I'd hit him.
insidiousisblindinception · 26-30, F
My school bus has many times, if that counts
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@insidiousisblindinception Your school bus driver needs to be more careful.
insidiousisblindinception · 26-30, F
I know. He was an idiot. Glad we have a new one.
no deer, but i did hit two horses, several possum and no tellin how many squirrels.
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@YourMomsSecretCrush Two horses! OMG.
insidiousisblindinception · 26-30, F
@MeInCharge @YourMomsSecretCrush That had to have destroyed your car.
@MeInCharge they were running wild and it was late at nite. totalled my car and put me in the hospital for awhile. both horses died.

No, damn thing ran away too fast. I was sooooo close too.
MeInCharge · 41-45, M
@SW-User I'm staying off any roads where you're driving. lol

@MeInCharge It was just an idea I had... I had gap insurance... thought I could get out from under my car loan... but alas, the damn deer lived to see another day and I'm upside down on my payment. 😋

No. But I strafed a fox once. :(