Hey all! Snickers the Saint Bernard here barking that right now I’m in TOTAL doggy heaven! Look what Alicia got yesterday:
Oooooooohhhhh yummmmmy new Reeboks!!!! She is such a tease. She stopped by this morning just quick enough for me to see them and get a whiff of them and get frisky:
Mmmmmmmm I just can’t WAIT for her to get here after school this afternoon:
She has dance class so they will be soooo hot and moist! YUMMMMMYYYY!!!!
Update: Hey all! Snickers the Saint Bernard here. Well, I’m in for an amazingly delicious afternoon! I was sleeping downstairs earlier when I heard the front door of the house open:
Mmmmmm I could smell new Reeboks. IT MUST BE MY COUSIN ALICIA!!!! I dashed upstairs and practically ran right into her:
Before she could run, I jumped up and knocked her down and sniffed her yummy chewy new Reeboks hungrily:
She tried to crawl away as I tried to wrestle those juicy new Reeboks right off her feet: