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My Beauty (RIP) had a nice back story before I adopted him

he was found by the animal control as a small pup living behind a dumpster in Orange County, California. They took him to a shelter.

There was a local veterinarian who would frequent the shelters and rescue the Mexican hairless dogs. She found my beauty and took him to her vet clinic. Someone had cut off his tail and the end of his tail was quite mangled so she surgically repaired it. She would have been happy to keep him at her clinic, but he did not like being crated.

The vet knew about a fantastic program called Prison Paws for Humanity that was run at the Montana women’s state prison. She contacted the warden and made arrangements for my baby to fly to Montana and be part of this program. he was paired up with a prisoner who looked after him night and day. During the day they took training classes together, and he spent all of his time with her. in the evenings he was crated but he was allowed to sleep in her cell.

I had the privilege of speaking to her over the phone with the warden when we were arranging for the adoption so that I could learn more about him. She told me that he was the most loving dog she had ever met, and that he followed her everywhere and he would even get in the shower with her! He stayed with her until he was about nine months old.

a few weeks later, after the adoption was approved,
They put him on a plane and sent him to me. It took a couple of weeks for him to settle in, but after that, he fit in so perfectly with our family. he truly was the love of our lives

This is Ringo.
wildfl0wer · 41-45, F
Aww, so sorry for your loss. I bet he was precious. 🥀

His/your story warmed my heart.🤗
Love the back story and know gave him the best home.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
Wow what a story! Sorry for your loss Jenny 🫂🫂
beautiful ringo ❤🐕
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Their lives are always too short 😢

Quimliqer · 70-79, M
That’s a special post!💕🤗
SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
Oh what a sweetie ☹
Degbeme · 70-79, M
awww... 🥺
pdockal · 56-60, M
caccoon · 36-40
He waws a very special guy 💙 Thank you for sharing his story with us

Also, what a great program
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
I'm so sorry for your loss

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