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Whenever I am at my desk, this inevitably starts happening

And I am never sure how to deal with it because heavy dog + rolly chair

But she's cute so

Teslin · M
[image/video deleted]
Love it !!
My kitten jumps up and walks across my keyboard. But I love it when she settles down and takes a nap on my desk.
Just have her bite on to one of her toys and let her pull you around xD
caccoon · 36-40
@MrBlueGuy we do that too 🤣 though Addie is actually a very gentle tug-o-war player... Lucy is the real demon with that
@caccoon My 7 pound Pomeranian feels like she's going to tear my arm off she's insane xD
That’s a great problem to have 😃
caccoon · 36-40
@Teggy she's so lovelyyyy

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