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Have you ever met a dog who is TOO affectionate non stop?

I am an animal person. I own and love animals but right now, I’m dog sitting my mom in laws dog (small medium size, idk the breed) and I can’t get away from her even for a moment. Honestly it’s really bad. The dog is literally on my heels no matter where i go or how far and usually it’s not far like even to move from chair to couch. She’s used to visitors and used to not being around her main owner but she literally puts her nose in my face if I’m not directly interacting with her ALL the time. I also have a cat of my own who I’d also like to attend to and there’s just no way I can. I also have computer work to do but unless the dog is joined to my hip I guess I won’t be able to set some time alone for that.

Wtf causes this kind of behaviour?! It’s annoying af! Even to close the door and be away she will scratch the door and whine till you open it.
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Sweetpoison · 41-45, F
She suffers from abandonment fear, this happens usually when you don’t get them used to be alone few times during the day when they are puppies…
I taught this to my dog, multiple times during the day, starting for 5 minutes, then later 10 and so on… when they see you always come back they understand that they won’t get abandoned.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M

I have cat version 2.0
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
@Spokeskitties75 least a cat will lie down and take a break though. Cuddle yes. Climb your shoulders and lick your face all day no.
CommandLine · 56-60, M
Separation anxiety, it clearly needs the affection and companionship of humans.
Some dogs are like that. If they have not been away from people for that long, it becomes used to having people about and cannot settle when no one is there.
No easy solution, takes training.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Co-worker invited me over I sat down and the dog went straight for the groin the whole time I'm pushing the dog away. It was too awkward so I made an excuse to leave.
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
I get this too. When the in-laws are here it’s kind of like that too. The dog is all over us. But there’s more people so at least the attention is divided but it’s still annoying af. She has no discipline. @FloorGenAdm

Let me guess - your coworker did nothing to discourage it? That’s how my in laws are.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@NiftyWhite nothing
NiftyWhite · 46-50, F
@FloorGenAdm yeah my in-laws tell us we should “just push her away” but it’s not my job to do that. It’s not my dog and it’s constant. I’d be doing it the entire time. We dread the dog.
I have, and it gets annoying very quickly.
Fluffybull · F
Some breeds are more clingy than others. I love dogs but I find some Cavalier King Charles Spaniels just too needy, tbh.

Some small breeds in general may have become very spoiled at an early age and grow up thinking the deserve constant attention from everyone.
My friends’ Chihuahua. He’s a sweetheart, but whenever there’s a gathering, he lives in my lap. I’ve even found him curled up sleeping in my overnight bag. My own Chihuahua wasn’t as attached.

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