Why free. Charge $20 bucks.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
When my niece was 13 she started a small dog walking business in her neighborhood. From 7-10am every Saturday she would walk dogs for $5 a dog. She would jog with the more energetic or larger ones. One trip around the block. Because of that, many neighbors started hiring her to dog sit and even come play with their dogs on evenings when they had to work late or were unable to for whatever reason.
She was very smart about it. Always requested that she spend some time with the dog before they agreed to let her walk them so everyone would be comfortable.
She was very smart about it. Always requested that she spend some time with the dog before they agreed to let her walk them so everyone would be comfortable.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
Smart girl. 🙂 @Pinkstarburst
Dog walking is a great job for kids because it teaches then responsibility. And dogs are awesome, so that's a win. Kid walks my dog, but he would like a little more.
Dog walking is a great job for kids because it teaches then responsibility. And dogs are awesome, so that's a win. Kid walks my dog, but he would like a little more.
Mindful · 56-60, F
Yes, I would ask questions. However, there was a period of time that I was so lonely ( yet married), that I did beg to walk my friend’s dog regularly. He was a yellow lab and even took him on business trips and a trip to the beach.😃 so just ask why…it could be innocent.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@Mindful Dogs are wonderful friends and company. 🙂
Oh, I know it's innocent. Little dude just adores dogs and they are the only thing that calms his anxiety to a considerable degree. It's free because he said, "the therapy from seeing dogs would be enough of a reward." 😭
Oh, I know it's innocent. Little dude just adores dogs and they are the only thing that calms his anxiety to a considerable degree. It's free because he said, "the therapy from seeing dogs would be enough of a reward." 😭
Mindful · 56-60, F
@ArminArlert ohhhhh I’m so glad it is a good thing!!!!! There’s a reason dogs are called a man’s best friend
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
The kid probably wants a dog so badly and the parents won’t get her one. Just wants to be around dogs. I used to walk my neighbours dogs when I was a kid for free
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@Jenny1234 Well, he does have a dog, but he adores them. 🥰 I got a samoyed almost one year ago, and when I moved back, my parents let me bring him. Lol Otherwise, he would not have a dog. :(
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@ArminArlert I had a dog too but I still walked the two dogs on my crescent because I felt bad they’re owners never ever walked them. I did it for free
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@Jenny1234 I think it's a nice thing to do. 🙂 He is walking a little papillion mix right now, who people said was viscous, but little man has never even saw him bark at another person.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
People who need his services ought to be decent enough to throw some change his way and give him a reference when he needs one too.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@cherokeepatti I know if a kid offered to walk my dog for free, I'd give him some pocket money, even when he said no. 🙂
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@ArminArlert anyone who takes advantage of someone without any desire to help pay back is just a user. The way I was raised if someone helped you or gave you something, even excess from their garden or fruit trees you’d think of something that they could use and pay them back later. It wasn’t a hard rule when it came to people who were struggling but even helping them do things would be better than nothing.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I just find it strange he wouldn't charge. That's a good way for a kid to make some money
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@caPnAhab Maybe he will eventually. But he doesn't think anyone would pay a kid to walk their dog when he has no experience walking dogs. So, he wants to do it for free. He also said that the therapy from seeing dogs is enough of a reward. Animals help calm the extreme anxiety he feels daily. 😭
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@ArminArlert yeah, I suppose those are pretty good reasons
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Maybe he has an agreement w his parents that he must show responsibility before they buy him a dog ?
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@AthrillatheHunt Well, it's a good idea. But I would know about such an agreement because he's my little brother. Lol He just loves dogs. 🥰
Nebula · 41-45, F
I think that's very nice of them
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@Nebula Me too!
Iwillwait · M
Probably using them as experiments.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
Yeah cause kids are much kinder and more selfless than adults.
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@canusernamebemyusername I agree. That's especially true for 15.
Sam17 · 18-21, M
Ingwe · F
I'd say he'd be too young to handle a full grown large dog
but those lapdogs and pursedogs he'll be ok with
but those lapdogs and pursedogs he'll be ok with
ArminArlert · 26-30, M
@Ingwe Oh, I don't think that would bother him. Lol As long as the dogs are trained, he should be fine.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Shame on any adult that would put a child down for this. Such horrible people