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I Know My Dog Is My Best Friend

So, my newest problem is my dog coming between my relationship. Better yet, my relationship coming between my dog.
I haven’t been there for her how I should, she’s with my parents though so I know she’s in good hands.. however she won’t be able to stay there forever and I don’t want her to. I want her back home with me!
My boyfriend and I have been looking into houses, but unfortunately where we’re looking has hurricanes so we’d have to have separate cars to transport his cat and my dog Incase of an emergency. This had us discussing all the other issues as well, such as training costs for my dog, possible house repairs if she acts up, and the fact that he’s spending $400,000 for a house for a dog basically... yet it’s not for the dog, it’s for him. & he basically said my dog would have to stay in one room of the house at all times, but his cat gets the whole house.
It just doesn’t seem like it’s going to work, and my dog is my best friend.. I already feel like shit for leaving her the way I have now.. I just want what’s best for her and I think at this point that’s me moving back home, going back to school and getting my own life established so I can provide for her. Plus at least me and my boyfriend would be ending things on good terms and I could always have him as a friend. Am I making the right decision? My boyfriend should understand me not giving my dog up for him, right?

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@Waymore I love her eyes.
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srxwat4 · 70-79, M
@Waymore She has a wine waiting for you to get in the door,piss the bf off and keep the dog.
hlpflwthat · M
He's laid hands on you. He can't control his drinking. He's a bigot.

If it takes the dog to break the camel's back, so be it. You knew the minute he started ripping your sister's kids. Rip that band-aid before he cuts you deeper. And good luck.
StonerGirl69 · 26-30, F
@hlpflwthat thank you!! I agree, at least this way I can part peacefully. Hopefully he’ll be mature about it, and understand that nothing will come between my dog and I.
hlpflwthat · M
@StonerGirl69 That girl is just gorgeous. And she will love you unconditionally. The two of you will find someone treats you both like queens.
StonerGirl69 · 26-30, F
@hlpflwthat thank you very much!! That made me cry, lol thank you for the kind words... I really hope one day we find someone who accepts the both of us.
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
I have the same breed of dog. That dog's job is to keep you safe, and you simply can't deny it that, and indeed if the BF tries pushing it out...bad things will happen. And WTF is with the BF anyways when it comes to the dog. (Mine is sleeping on the bed beside me:) )
Dump the boyfriend and keep your dog. Your dog will never stab you in the back your boyfriend might.
StonerGirl69 · 26-30, F
@SW-User I 100% agree, she loves me more than he ever could.
antonioio · 70-79, M
Dogs are a great judge of character
My dog looked just like her,💘 she also loved the snow. 👍
dale74 · M
Does your dog like your boyfriend

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