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My cat is just sitting in the car.... As per usual..

Miss Jasper has a thing for jumping into vehicles! She'll jump into our car when my daughter comes home from school! She'll jump into my therapist's car when she comes to see me once a week! She'll jump into visitors vehicles when they come over! When the kids friends get dropped off, you bet cha she's hopping into their vehicles! I'm so scared that one day she will be kidnapped! Because of her curiosity! Silly kitty!!! My daughter has a doctors appointment so she'll let miss Jasper out but Miss Jasper was as happy as can be sitting inside of the car while my daughter got ready!
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Why do you delete some people's post like when they post a picture of their Kitty? I would like to see them.

I would be very concerned about Miss Jasper. You would have to watch her like a hawk to ensure no one steals her. That's awful.
saintsong · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace The post I deleted on here had nothing to do with kitties... It was a very innappropriate message.

I am concerned about Miss Jasper too...It only takes once for someone to feel like she's chosen them and to take her away. I should get her a collar that says if I jump in your car please return me to this number! Or get her microchipped.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@saintsong A microchip would be the best. Is there such a thing as making sure the doors are kept closed to the house, and she can't hop out and get into someone's car? I would always tell your guests to make sure the cat has not jumped in their car before they leave. Perhaps you could put her on a long soft leash while people are around to ensure her safety from getting kidnapped, I mean catnapped haha
saintsong · 41-45, F
@LadyGrace I've tried the leash thing, she broke free within 2 minutes and hopped the fence! She usually comes when called. And yes everyone we know, knows she's our cat, but I do want to get her microchipped our other cat has a vet appointment on the 19th of this Month maybe we could take her in to do that quickly too.
have miss jasper get used to bags
saintsong · 41-45, F
@beermeplease Ha ha ha ha ha your kitty is super cute!!! Love her face and eyes! So cute! Miss Jasper does love bags too, in the basement we have Walmart Bags, and a kitty tunnel that she likes to hide in, and boxes when we go grocery shopping that she likes to sit in! She's a tabby just like your pretty kitty, but your kitty has such a cute expressive face! Love it! Thanks for posting pictures...I don't have very many pictures I'm only on a laptop, no cell phone or tablet to take quick pics with.
@saintsong aw i bet your kitty looks pretty too. i'm on laptop too. i take pics with my phone and email them to me on my laptop where i download them from there...then i open images where i upload from there
Vin53 · M
How do you get a therapist to make house calls?
saintsong · 41-45, F
@Vin53 First off I live in Alberta Canada, Mental Health is free... I've been diagnosed by their Psychiatrist with Schizoaffective Disorder back in 2010 and was assigned a weekly therapist who I used to drive to go see at mental health, but then my kids took my car to school and had no means to get to mental health so they sent my therapists to me, I've gone through three different therapists. I liked them all, and I also have a social worker assigned to me from mental health who comes to see me once a month... They are all great I get a lot of support from them, My therapist buys me a large coffee every week and then we drive down to the lake summer or winter, it's better in the summer we sit out on the lake shore on a picnic table as the water laps onto the shore and the squirrels run around! It's very theraputic!
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
ImNotHungry · 36-40, M
Sounds like you have the easiest cat to steal..... I should drive by some time... Gimme your address

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