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"You Know How It is .. ....

.. You're having a quiet drink at the bar and all of a sudden, an Englishman, an
Irishman and a Scotsman walks in ...

..and they get caught by gunmen.

'You are all going to die. But we will grant you each one final wish' says the gunman.
Scotsman 'I would like a hundred bagpipes playing Scotland the brave'
Irishman 'I would like 100 people performing the river dance'
Englishman 'Can you kill me first please?'

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oh. sorta like states rivalry. my favorite is about people from arkansas, oklahoma, and texas. genie grants a wish to each one. the guy from arkansas wishes for his state to continue on its incredible journey of economic and cultural expansion for the next 100 years. the genie shrugs and says, 'uh. well. okay, that's not really a big ask, but ok.' the texan asks for an impenetrable wall around his beloved state so no interlopers can mess with texas. genie nods and says 'ok, done.' okie looks at the genie and says, 'can you tell me about this wall?' genie says 'the wall's 100feet thick. 500 feet tall. reinforced concrete and steel. there's absolutely nothing that can get in or out'. okie nods and says 'great. fill it half full of water.'
DanielsASJ · 36-40, M
English people are always this jealous of Irish and Scottish people?

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