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I know I sound absolutely bonkers and off my rocker but the cat just did it again!!!! My cat can talk English!

I was petting her just now, and said Momma loves her Jasper! And she said " I know!" I swear she can talk!!! The first time she spoke she said standing at the door.." Let me out!" I thought whoa that was cool, but didn't think much of it..Then one day my daughter had been gone for a few days, and the cat asked me " Where's my Mom? I said she's in the city with her boyfriend!!" And she said "Oh!" like my daughter would, but it was the CAT TALKING! Then one night she was on my headboard in my window frame and I asked the cat if I could pet her and she said "Nooo!" Then another time she asked again standing at the door "Let me out!" I just couldn't believe it the cat can speak English! Fluently!!! Then the other day the cat walked into my bedroom and I said " Hello" and the cat replied back with her own " Hello!!!!" These are not just coincidences!! The cat's a genius!!!! But I'm the only one she has spoken to, and yes I have schizophrenia but this is not that! There are talking cat's on YouTube that are lucky if they say one phrase my cat has the vocabulary of a two year old human child!!! I love it from now on I'm talking to my cat!!!
InHeaven · F
If you hear clear English human language… then thats just hallucinations 🤷‍♀🤷‍♀Many people have them. But ive seen some videos cats n dogs mewing words out but it still a mix of a cat meow and some English sounds, but not clear human like pronunciation
saintsong · 41-45, F
@InHeaven Just as long as I am not in danger and nobody else is in danger, I won't be going off to the funny farm any time soon.... That scares me, but for Jasper I'd get into trouble for her! Either she is a genius, or there is a spirit speaking through her that would be my guess.
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PowerofStories · 61-69, M
It is well known that cats not only speak English,but can also sing in this language.
saintsong · 41-45, F
@PowerofStories It's not very often I find a song that really rocks but THIS!!!!! Awesome!!!! And the cat!!! So cute!!! Thanks for posting!
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
@saintsong You're welcome.

If you'd like to hear more like this check out the YouTube channel for The Kiffness. He is a South African musician who creates songs around the vocalizations of cats, dogs, even a horse shaking a rubber squeaking chicken. He is really clever.
Persephone · 51-55, F
I had a very chatty cat. He only said miaow but you could almost swear it was a conversation. I miss him. My current cat isn't chatty at all.
Only thing i ever heard my cat say was "ham".
She really liked ham.
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kayoshin · 36-40, M
@saintsong no , sweet it doux (pronounced doo) :))) the cat would surely tell you if it felt like it, but it's a cat so she might like to mess with you .
kayoshin · 36-40, M
@saintsong btw isn't Jasper a boy name?
saintsong · 41-45, F
@kayoshin We always mix up girls names with boys names and boys names with girls names...Our beloved Mr. Daisy passed away this spring! People had a problem with his name! Jasper sounds kindof unisex to me?? I don't know, my daughter picked out her name!

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