Ynotjenn · F
Mines name is Ninja Kitty. He wears it well
I'm sorry for your lose. :(
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
It's a cat astrophe
nonperv · 41-45, M
When you take your cat to the vet to get its shots, consider paying the extra money for an immortality shot. Its expensive but worth it.
nonperv · 41-45, M
@mejess A dead cat won't love you, but it helps keep a door open.
nonperv · 41-45, M
@Ynotjenn Mine was nice. Unusually nice. She grew up with a dog and learned behavior from him. The dog is also dead, btw.
meJess · F
I thought dead cats had more uses
Ynotjenn · F
nonperv · 41-45, M
Cats are assassins when put outside
meJess · F
is a live cat a pet, or a small assassin that lives in your house?
Ynotjenn · F
Mine acts like a dog except the dog isn't an asshole
Ynotjenn · F
Uhh...my cats an asshole. Yours is probably much nicer than mine 😉