So got a new buddy. It's a cute little furry ball of energy. Crossbreed between maine coon and persian. But the problem is with our older cat. She was the only cat kid in our family so far. Well the fun just starts for sure. HAve you experienced the struggles with socializing your older cat with kitten/new cat?
very cute , I have introduced new cats to my older ones many times over the years and its allways a struggle but they end up either putting up with the new one or being good friends .
@xixgun Already have been associating them together through food (but only with doors presented) and thanks, the show I watched for some time. It gave me ideas. But my older demon cat lady is... let's say quite greedy. She was a queen not just at home but also on our garden which is big. So the kitten is a target and a threat for her. Still thanks for advice. :)