bcvegas4u · 70-79, M
Don't feel alone. I have 3 cats. Each with it's own unique personality, wants, and needs.
trentaus · 46-50, M
Yes, that I am absolutely sure of, but thanks for adding to my Cat Checklist!☺

Aww. I currently have a cat and 5 foster kittens. I wake up to kittens sitting on me expecting to be fed and I go to sleep with kittens lying on me. Love it =)
Goralski · 56-60, M
You sure she's not in heat
trentaus · 46-50, M
Ahh, yes Dave, I know the feeling. I have two cats also (both ex strays) and therefore, more cat stories to fill the web pages of SW!😉
1961dave · 61-69, M
You are certainly her slave, I have two cats, and I am their slave!