Well I'm going to be house sitting for my aunt starting this Sunday at 4am. Started packing my bags for the time I am there.
My baby girl Sabrina knows I'm going somewhere because she decide to lay in my bag. When I was a young buck I was allergic to cats. Now, I'll do anything to help cats out. Hope I don't end up there crazy cat guy. My beautiful girl in this picture
@bijouxbroussard wish I could take her with me. She's makes my day. I'll be having a bad day& she will brighten my day. I have an older cat that she will chase away bc she just want to be with me.
When people say cats are not loveable or friendly, their wrong. Cats are like dogs. They greet me all the time. Guessing you're a 🐈 lover too
@McShay1978 Oh, yeah. I lost my orange Maine Coon girl a few years ago at the age of 16 and haven't adopted another yet. When I spend time with my best friends, I visit their 18 year old, George, who used to play with her. I took this about a week ago.
@bijouxbroussard I have 2 inside cats but have 2 outside cats who were left behind by someone who moved away. Four yrs ago in the winter I found them and since then, I've took care of them.
I'm sorry about your lost. I don't have any children but they are mine children. Take the time you need before you get another one. Cats take after their owners. If the owner is outgoing & friendly, they are the same.
Once again sorry for your lost. I'll share my cats anytime with you!