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well that's a first......

really dude?....do ya have to chew holes in everything 🙄
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I feel like he’s trying to establish control of the household😃
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I guess that answer is yes.
@Degbeme got that right 🙄
Beaks be sharp
@SomeMichGuy my fingers know that all too well when he's cranky 🤕
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
He half dog?
@caPnAhab maybe part ant...i need to call pest control 🙄
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Maybe he wants that grit for his gut.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@beermeplease I never talk about it because it was illegal here. I recently lost a starling that Vickie rescued as a nest fallout and no parent retrieval or care back in 2012. It's beak wasn't even formed. Talk about 💩. But that wild bird imprinted on Vickie and began talking. Mommas baby bird. You hungry, stop it.
She called me at work the first time it spoke. She was shocked and couldn't wait until I got home.
It lived a good 12 years it never would have in the wild.
But 💩. Omg.
@Gibbon kudos to vickie and you for looking after that bird 🫂
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@beermeplease 👍 There was another out there the neighbor stepped on. That's how it came to her attention. She read everything she could. The secret to helping them to survive is no water period. They get it from the mush you make to feed them
They will drink on their own when the time comes.
PinkMoon · 26-30, F
Kitteh's like, "I'm staying out of this one." 😁
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