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I Have Lost a Beloved Pet

Had my dog for many long years, best dog I ever had.
Loved that dog like a child & took the best care of her I could.
Always happy, loyal, playful and full of life.
Got her on a Valentines day many years before. I still remember the day and the reasons why I chose her over others.
I also clearly remember the morning I found her unable to stand up or even lift her head.
I knew it was bad. I knew she was suffering. I knew what would end up happening.
Rang up the vet and carried her in. He confirmed my fears and the decision was made.
Her years were at an end.
I held her as she was injected. She looked into my eyes as I stroked her and she passed.
Well, as prepared as I thought I was... There was no stopping the tears..
My God, There was no preparation at all for that tsunami of heartbreak.
Remembering still stings after all that time.
Maybe she was "just a dog"..
But she was more than that for me.
She was MY dog.. A loyal long-time companion.
It's not at all easy to say goodbye to such a great friend...
@kodiac I believe all animals do. Heaven would be hell without our angels with paws.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@SW-User 🤗
@kodiac 🤗
If anyone should ever have been prepared to lose a friend, it should have been me when I woke up one April morning last year and my Corgi Clancy was in the shape you describe and I made the same call you did. I took him in to the vet, already knowing the outcome, but I hoped. The vet looked Clancy over, looked at me and shook his head.

It should have been no surprise - Clancy was 19 1/2. Didn’t hurt any less.

It’s hard. i’m Sorry.
AllReds · 56-60, M
I'm so sorry for your loss.
chelseasoftballgirl · 26-30, F
awww thats so sweet......
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cd4259 · 61-69, M
@RippinKlouds sympathy is one thing but seriously you need to get a reality check and be mindful of the people who have lost their children or spouses.
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I'm so sorry.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
My dogs are getting old. I'm dreading the day when it finally comes. 😢

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