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I Consider My Pets Family

Anyone have experience with giving CBD to a pet?
I have a 17yo golden retriever that had been having a lot of pain getting around, hate the idea of having him euthanized, decided to try it. It does seem to be helping a little, after about a week, but does it build up in the system, where it would help him more?
I hope to let him live out the rest of his life without too much pain.
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User41 · 36-40, M
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He’s dying of cancer. He’s been given 3 months. That was almost a month ago.
@User41 He looks like a happy ol' doggo.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@User41 Wow, sorry to hear that. Looks like a cool dog.
It could help tremendously, there will obviously be a limit to its effectiveness based on the oil strength. Correct dosage and administration is important, this may require some trial and error, but it shouldnt cause any harm as it is non-toxic. So don't worry about any overdosage. Its unfortunate they can't speak to let you know what gives the best relief, you'll have to observe them closely. Maybe keep a diary.
Clinical results, where they exist, are mixed. I think. Dont @ me. As a general rule of thumb, though, it seems to help virtually everything it touches.
Don't execute your retriever. Do what you can and if you can't afford the medication, then sell everything you have.
Pets are a commodity for people who do not value human relations

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