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I Consider My Pets Family

I work a lot so sometimes I am on here a lot then I am gone for a few months.

I wanted to just say today I am very depressed. My oldest rescue kitty Olivia is getting very old, and I have knows for some time she has started to get arthritis, but that is normal with age anyway and didn't think much about it. For the past few months she has been loosing weight so I have been feeding her and feeding her more and more canned cat food as well as her normal dry cat food in her bowl available at all times and she hasn't gained much weight.

I took her for her annual check up and the vet showed me where she has been "barbering." I never heard of that, but that means she has been literally pulling out her hair on her stomach and around her joints and its bald. I was so unaware that she was doing that,and I was just literally shocked. She got her yearly inoculations, some liquid meds for the arthritis and some blood-work done. I was sleeping when the vet called with her results
(I work mid-nights), but I have to call tomorrow to see what is going on in the inside.

I sure hope my oldest animal child is ok.
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Ohh I hope that your old animal child will be fine
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
Goralski · 56-60, M

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