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Midsummer's Eve

Midsommar's Eve, or Litha as we call it in Wicca, is such a special time for me. It marks the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. The Sun is at its highest point, and we celebrate the power of light and life.

This tradition dates back to ancient times, when our ancestors would light bonfires and dance around them to honor the Sun God and the Earth Mother. It's a time of fertility, growth, and renewal. The veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thin, making it a perfect time for divination and connecting with the spirits.

This year, Midsommar holds a deeper meaning for me. I've been through so much change and growth over the past year. I’ve struggled through intense surgery and being bed-bound, started new creative projects I'm very proud of, and really focused on my personal relationships. This celebration feels like a culmination of all that work, a time to honor the journey and set intentions for the future.

I'll be spending this evening performing rituals and meditations - create a flower crown, light a small fire, and make offerings to the spirits. It's a beautiful way to connect with nature and each other, to celebrate our bond and the magic within us.

Midsommar reminds me of the strength and resilience I have within me. It's a time to embrace the light and joy in my life, to be grateful for the abundance around me. This year, I’m dedicating my rituals to self-love and empowerment, to nurturing my own light so I can continue to grow and flourish.

If you celebrate Midsommar or anything related, let me know how you choose to express that!
mainvane · 61-69, M
wishing you improving health in the new year Princess. We've chatted and respect your ways....and my spiritual associates are of a more sexual sect. I and a few others met in the center of a hidden meadow (surrounded by trees on 3 sides) and disrobed, danced, chanted and made love at the sunset...the nearly full moon rose in the opposite horizon.
Craqdi · 22-25, F
Very interesting and how the Catholic religion has adapted many concepts from ancient religions, including Wicca.

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