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I Am Wiccan / Pagan

I don’t go around shoving my lifestyle in people’s faces and expecting anyone to either understand or care about my beliefs. But I’d like if this message caught on ☺️
I’m sick of being called a bloody satanist.
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GlitterBug · 22-25, F
I had a friend who was Wiccan, she tried to get me to join her, I didn’t because I’m not into religion but I learned about it with her and supported her, it is a very interesting and (I think anyways) a very beautiful thing. It reallly helped her find a sense of meaning in her life which she desperately needed too.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
Thank you. What do you consider it if not religion? @Gothichorror
Gothichorror · 26-30, F
@GlitterBug To me it’s just life. There’s nothing else but mother nature so when you worship her, you are worshiping all of life itself. It’s to inclusive to be a religion I would say.
GlitterBug · 22-25, F
I can see that for sure. Thanks for the different perspective :) @Gothichorror
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@Greenbare What a refreshing voice to hear! :)
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Greenbare Pretty much because every monotheistic religion believes their God as the true God but Satanists and occult types take up many deities. I personally have the outlook that no one is wrong or right. However they are wrong that there is "one true deity" that wouldn't make sense because everyone in different parts of the world couldn't possibly hear of "one deity" that's geographically bound to one part in the world.
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Come and in the Northern Rivers area of NSW around Nimbin and Mullumbimby: plenty of Pagan and Wiccan practitioners around here.
I am not religious in any way (atheist), but I totally get where you're coming from.
Satanism has absolutely nothing in common with either of the traditions you follow.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Eh philosophically I'm a satanist and I could care less because I don't look at it as a bad thing. I would have to look this up because I have yet to read the book but there was two sects of buddahists for instance and one was declared more legal than the other. So the other was exiled to the mountains away from people. That's all satanism is... it's propaganda for when you need to demonize people and justify things like ethnic cleansing.

My default position is atheism but if I was to choose a religion it would be satanism 😜
Sharon · F
Lughnasadh Greetings and Blessed Be.

The christians hate anything that doesn't fit their particular brand of christianity. They even accuse each other of being in league with the devil. :)

Satan is a judeo-christian deity so Satanism is actually a form of christianity.
Sharon · F
@Gothichorror You're lucky. I know there are some christians who are open minded like that but a lot aren't. :(

Atheists aren't hateful or closed minded, it's just a matter of not blindly accepting claims that have no basis in fact. The way some of the Pagan deities have been explained to me (as forces) makes quite a bit of sense.
Justme264 · 70-79, M
@Sharon well you lost me after "judeo....", but i agre with everything else you say

Everyone to their own s long as it does not abuse or hurt others
@Sharon I'm an atheist with strong Buddhist leanings, and I agree with Sharon.
I see a lot of good and benefit in Paganism and Wiccan.
It's really about healing and living in harmony with nature.

I agree with you that some atheists and materialists will be intolerant of any faith.
And there are reasons for that.
But most believe that the tolerance of different beliefs is necessary.
Many atheists don't declare their position for fear of attacks from believers.

John Stuart Mills put the case for tolerance clearly.
All people are capable of making a mistake and not knowing it is a mistake.
Similarly, any group or whole society can be mistaken and not know it (e.g. the Nazis).
We can't know if we're in error until we've learned from research or experience.
Therefore it is better to allow everyone to live as they see fit so long as it doesn't interfere with the equal rights of others to the same.
In that way, we gradually learn what works well, and what could work better.
THANK YOU! I’m like “if you don’t know anything about Wicca then don’t say anything.”
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
I'm an Atheist but I think Wicca and other Pagan paths make a lot of sense. I've never been harassed by evangelical Pagans. :)
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
@Gothichorror I believe he is.

It was a long time ago, when I first tried to break away from christianity, that I was threatened and physically attacked. It was like the old witch hunts. The christians tortured a person (usually a woman) until she confessed to being a witch then, having been "saved", they killed her before she could fall back into the Devil's clutches. It was all to help her of course.
@suzie1960 trial by fire was a good one too! 🙂
Gothichorror · 26-30, F
@suzie1960 Yeah the human mind is easily corrupted by fear and capable of unspeakable cruelty. Whenever people associate with groups/tribes they sacrifice their common sense and natural freedom.
AnaKoroleva · 41-45, F
Blessed Lammas to you today!
Gothichorror · 26-30, F
@AnaKoroleva I didn’t expect anyone on here to know. You have made me 😊.

Blessed Lammas to all ❤️
Tukudo · 41-45, M
The above star symbol represents the five elements of the nature. Earth,water,fire,air and sky.
Peaceful · F
Who calls you that? :/
Peaceful · F
@Gothichorror they don't know any better. 😓
Forgive them.
Gothichorror · 26-30, F
@Peaceful Oh I forgive them. It doesn’t even bother me enough where I have to forgive them but ignorance is always best enlightened ☺️
Peaceful · F
Your star symbol is used by other sects besides wiccans
You are claiming to be wiccan
You claim to be attacked by christians
You claim to be called a satanist
Your pic claims the pentagram not to be a symbol of Satanism.
Gothichorror · 26-30, F
@SomeLikeItHot I never claimed to be attacked and certainly never by any particular group of people be they Christian or otherwise.

This conversation has run its course I think.
No worries
Check the picture on the post.
AliceTinker · 51-55, F
Just ignorant people really. Ignorant people were responsible for witch hunts and the murder of so many people. It really came down to separating the male from the female and seeing anyone who loves nature as evil.
Also then taking pagan festivals and claiming them as their own. So sad.
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I respect your practice
Ignorant ppl will always be afraid of things that they do not understand
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
Some dumbass tried to tell me once on YouTube that me and my friend are devil worshippers even though neither of us worship the devil or even worship anything religious and he was telling us we are wasting our time playing video games. So I guess he didn't know what fun is and also he was forcing his religious bullshit down our throats. I even told him we're atheists and he still was calling us devil worshippers. I guess also he was ignorant because of the fact that we are metalheads. I don't care what religion you are. Just please do not shove your religion down my throat. I cannot stand people who do that especially seeing as my mom constantly did that to me throughout my life.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@IWasCallingYaLarry He might define atheists as devil worshipers. Christians and a lot of other religions want to believe science as another religion because they don't understand certain things 😂

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