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[OpEd TL;DR Paganism] Change and the spiral wheel of life. A little something for the up coming Winters solstice.

Note: this is an opinionated post on paganism. Trolling will not be tolerated and likely will be deleted. Make your own post if you wish your opinions heard. I put this in the electic paganism group for a reason. You can block this group or even me if you wish.

This is a explanation of the what I mean by life is change.

It is part belief, part known science, part ancient history as well as something in between all of this.

When we are conceived we are the receipt of our parents. The passing foreword of change. We are the potential of what we might become. This potential only is the outline of what we will be. The potential defines our limits. Yet that doesn't mean we can not exceed those limits. Yet the outline still exists.

However we still have form. And that form must change, dependent on our potential. And so we all grow.

At first this growth is all receiving. And receiving dependent on our environment. At first on the yoke. Then on the umbilical cord until there is a build up of waste

Ironic isn't it? Everything up to then it's receiving.

Yet even this receiving is as well has dependencies as well as potentials. The potential of receiving is mostly dependent the mother to give. Which is defined by the mothers environment and potentials.

The give and take is dependent on the potentials of both mother and fetus.

Yet notice there are no extremes either way. The fetus can only take so much. Dependent on it's potential. And whatever it returns in waste is as well dependent on the potentials of both mother and fetus.

Now some may look at this as opposing process. Just give and take. With nothing else happening in between.

This is a very narrow and limited view. What most totally ignore is what is happening in between. And that is the transformation process.

As the fetus receives, it transforms itself. It grows. This transformational growth again is dependent on both potential as well as environmental. In addition to what it receives and gives back. Giving back of course as waste.

So the process would seem to go as follows:

Give back.

This process is the beginnings of a wheel, if it where not for both environment and potential however.

Yet if those two things where included it should look like this:




Potential and environment is curial in each and every step. This because they both change as time goes on. The fetus grows. It is not the same upon each cycle.

So what is really happening isn't a circle and more like a spiral.

Fibonacci Sequence Nautilus Shell

Which resembles the above Fibonacci sequence. A recursive natural logarithmic sequence. Beginning from the very start as a potential.

Now to take this further.

For even this sequence has limits. Which are dependent on both potential and environment.

Fibonacci hurricane

Fibonacci tree.jpg

Fibonacci pine cone

Human DNA Fibonacci

Notice: the last image is that of human DNA. Yet this sequence is in the DNA of all life.

The limits of the potential are defined by the DNA. Which is always being redefined.

A little more this, a little less that. Yet always forever changing.

Yet with each cycle the overall increases

Now to go beyond this sequence of life. To do so we must consider the environment. Because without the environment, this sequence is nothing but potential.

The potential is in all of us. It exists without even us being. Without the environment we are nothing but potential.

So the whole recursive process of receiving, transforming and giving is meaningless, without the proper environment.

Where would anything exist without air as a example of environment? 🤷🏻‍♂️

So the environment has a huge roll in everything.

Some may speculate how this process began. Yet this is beyond the scope of change, much less than the scope of life itself. So I can only say, that change takes precedents over everything else that we know about. And leave the origins of the process as an unknown.

Yet life itself is curious. You can see this curiousness in all life. The grass seems greener on the other side, so even animals are curious.

This is a fair example of environmental changes. Yet the environment includes everything. The air, the weather, resources. Literally everything. Even the changes in the solar system.

The environment is a extremely complex thing. It involves many things, that we still have little understanding about. We are still learning and growing. And so once again changing.

In ancient history these environmental things were unknowns. Unknowns were where something to fear. And often given aspects.

Some of these aspects, we still greatly fear, despite knowing what these aspects are. So when we hear the roar of thunder, we seek shelter. When we figured out the seasons of the year, we either prepared or moved. This change in environment applies to all life. The methods of determination highly varied.

Some life forms only rely on what we call instinct. Leaving the method of detection as an unknown until we finally understood the method of detection. Yet all life has some limited form of detection of environmental changes. Even if we didn't understand the methods.

Some of these ancient tribal members gave these aspects names. And because we often feared the unknown these aspects, sometimes where to be either feared or praised.

The naming of these aspects didn't change the aspects at all. Just a easy method of identifying, what to be feared or praised. And so the beginnings of beliefs began.

Now being highly curious, we all love to anthropomorphize everything. Our curiosity is the source of this. We picture things as we can relate to these environmental changes.

So was it wrong to characterize environmental changes? To give them something more than a aspect?

This I find debatable. For on one side we can use this aspect as a variable "X". And taking on certain properties.

Yet on the other side we can assign properties, not necessarily belonging to the aspect. This doesn't mean the aspect doesn't exist.

It's a good thing to know the moon is tied to a woman's cycle. Yet is the moon something to be worshipped?

Debatable because of the anthropomorphizing. Yet not because of the naming of the process. The naming is useful. It furthers the passing on of the knowledge without fully understanding the process.

Yet even these environmental changes actually do change. Sort of taking on a life of itself. Remember even DNA changes.

Some may have noticed, this is only applies to currently known unknowns. The fact is they have different names and aspects now. More of explainable nature. Yet by renaming them, does that not fix it as something mundane? As something not to be taken note of?

Or will you not heed the roar of thunder because it's explainable? Not something to be feared?

Thor has made his presence known. And Ra still shines upon us. Celeste still guides women's cycles. And so on and on it goes.

Ever changing, in ever changing cycles.

Note: this is an opinionated post on paganism. Trolling will not be tolerated and likely will be deleted. Make your own post if you wish your opinions heard. I put this in the electic paganism group for a reason. You can block this group or even me if you wish.
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Wow such an informational post. I’d much rather read your posts on here than waste countless number of hours on Twitter
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@mysteryespresso thank you! 😀
@DeWayfarer you’re welcome
Lilnonames · F
I didn't read your book but I'm sorry🙏
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Lilnonames No offense taken. 🙃🤣

I gave warning with the TL;DR (Too Long; Don't Read) however! 🙃

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