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I Want to Know More About the Universe

Love looking up at the stars and planets.There is so much we don't know about the universe.It is such a beautiful awe taking concept to think of all the solar systems out there.Could there be life on another planet out of our galaxy.The wonder of it all.
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TBIman · 41-45, M
What is a "planet", or a "solar system?", OR "a galaxy?" I have never heard words like that. Please explain. Thanks
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@TBIman look into the sky at night.The really bright stars are planets.I know what they are but when tasked to explain it,I find myself at a loss
TBIman · 41-45, M
@Butterflykisses24 I can't tell the difference between what they call "planets" and what they call "stars." Except some of the lights in our night sky move. And the star that they call "Mars" has a red tint to it.

They are all just lights in the sky to me.

Can you confirm that there are these huge balls of rock and gas out there somewhere?
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman I have looked at Venus through a telescope. I have seen it go through phases, just like the moon, as it orbits the sun. And when I see the curvature of the "terminator" -- the line separating light from dark on the cloudtops -- I can see first hand that Venus is a ball of gas.

I have also used my telescope to look at Saturn -- yes it is a ball surrounded by rings. Over the years, I have seen the rings at different angles, as the orbits of the Earth and Saturn do not lie in the same plane.

I have looked at Mars, and I have seen its polar ice caps advance and recede over time. I have seen dust storms sweep across the surface and obscure features that were clearly visible a few evenings before. I have seen evidence of the planet rotating, as I see different landforms one night compared to the next. (All of this can only be observed when Mars and Earth are close to each other, about every 18 months or so. But that is another piece of evidence -- I can see Mars get closer to Earth and then get farther away. It is not just a light in the sky.)

Likewise, I once visited an old professional observatory at a university -- the kind with a giant telescope in a dome. I was on a tour where we could look through the telescope -- I saw Jupiter, as a giant ball of gas, and I saw its moons as balls of rock. They looked like marbles through the telescope.

And of course I have looked at the moon up close: I can see craters, I can see mountains, I can see the shadow of a mountain cast on the flat lava plains, I can watch sunrise on a crater: at first the western wall is brightly lit while the inside of the crater is dark, and as time goes by I see the inside light up as the sun rises over the crater.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson I do not own a telescope, but others have photographed the Venus star. And it is a circle of constantly changing light. There is absolutely no way to determine if it is a huge ball of floating rock from the Earth.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman photos of you look flat as well. But a "live" look at you, and at Venus, makes the three dimensionality obvious.

You asked, "can you confirm?" I can confirm these things with my own eyes, even if you cannot.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson Dude it doesn't matter if "Venus" is a sphere or not. The Earth is a flat and motionless plane. It was proven over 100 years ago.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman I don't see that this thread has been about the flatness of the Earth at all. You insisted earlier that the planets are just lights in the sky and that no one can confirm that they are spherical objects. Now you say that it does not matter whether they are spherical objects.

It sounds to me as if you have withdrawn your original objection, and so the discussion is over.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson It's over if you want it to be over. I stand by my original statement... that no one can confirm what the lights in the sky actually are. This is because no one has ever been to a light in the night sky. The moon landing was all about making us believe that they could really send a man to one of the lights in our night sky.

I wanted to thank you for being courteous and respectful towards me throughout our short correspondence. It has been a pleasure communicating with you.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman On the other hand, if you stand by your statement that no one can confirm what the lights in the sky are, then you have dismissed all of my own experience as irrelevant. I am not sure how respectful that was on your part.

If you borrow a good pair of binoculars and look at the moon when it is about 3/4 full, you will definitely see a ball in the sky.
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson Dude, you are lost. I have seen plenty of footage taken with a P900, or P1000 of the moon, and it is most definitely NOT a ball in the sky. It is a light that you can see through. Indicating that it is a luminary and not a physical object. It's okay that you have not awoken to the great deception yet. You are not alone. Give it more time. Just as you are not alone in your sick beLIEf that the Earth possesses curvature, I am not alone in the fact that it does not. I wish you well, and I hope that you get help for your delusions of the Earth being a spinning space ball.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman And what has motivated the United States, the Soviet Union, the European Space Agency, China, India, Japan, and perhaps a country I am forgetting, for spending the past several decades faking all of their flights around the earth and to other places in the solar system?
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson Dude, a motive is irrelevant. The facts speak for themselves. Like the absolute FACT that water is incapable of wrapping its self around a spinning sphere in space. I know that it's difficult dealing with being deceived as we all have been. Just suck it up, and admit that you fell for a massive hoax that the whole world also fell for.

You need to stop focusing on things that you will never EVER be able to prove to yourself, and focus on the things that you can. I'm just trying to help you out of your delusional state of mind.

If you are looking for motives I have two.

#1. Money. Fake space agencies milk billions of dollars from their unsuspecting populations every year.

#2. They are hiding creation from everyone. Can you just imagine how people would change if they knew for an absolute FACT that there was a God.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman I believe in God. So did Frank Borman, who orbited the moon in
Apollo 8 and read from the book of Genesis for the whole world to hear. But you think that reading from the Bible was part of a hoax to get people to not believe in God?

One of the nations that send a spacecraft to the moon , which sent back a photo of the solid rocky surface (not something transparent) was Israel. Israel cites the Bible as the justification for its very existence and its possession of the land that it sits on. It would NOT be in Israel's interest to participate in this supposed hoax and to try to undermine the Bible, because doing so would invalidate the country's very existence! A much more sensible explanation is that the Israeli craft really did photograph what was really there.

You have been getting less and less logical the more that I press you. You have become defensive and insulting, which is what happens when members of a cult feel challenged by reality.

I gave you a list of my own observations, with my own eyes, which show me the nature of the planets and the moon, and you of course have just ignored them and repeated your brainwashed response that nobody can confirm these things. It is you who will not face facts. You claim things without evidence and call them facts, while dismissing things that can be verified with evidence and falsely repeating that there is no evidence. You are telling lies, and lies do not come from God.

And you are an embarrassment to the great majority of Christians who do not believe the absurdities you preach. And when you talk this way on a public forum, you scandalize the Gospel, in that non-believers read what you type and find confirmation in their belief that Christians are idiotic for believing in God.

You are not spreading the Good News. You are hindering its spread. It is not I who am "lost."
TBIman · 41-45, M
Dr. Watson,

First and foremost, I want to thank you for even having this discussion with me. It shows that you are not beyond hope.

I am so glad that you believe in a creator that I call God. In your humble opinion, what is God? Is God a bearded fellow sitting atop a cloud somewhere? Or perhaps God is consciousness itself? I do not know. To me, God is the creator of all things. Including the Earth. Now, put yourself in God’s shoes. If you were God… how would you create the Earth? Would you create a massive explosion, then wait billions of years for life to evolve (from nothing) into what it is today? Possibly, but more likely you would create a flat motionless plane, with humans already formed so that we could build on it.

There is so very much that goes into losing the brainwash. I know, because it took three months of listening to others before I would even consider that there was a possibility that I had been lied to.

Since I am no teacher, I cannot teach you the true nature of reality. I can, however, tell you that the answers we all seek about who we are and where we ultimately are do not reside with the fraudulent space agency known as NASA.

All I can say is that you need to hear both sides of the story before picking a side. Obviously, you have only heard one. Please do your research, and please do not go to NASA or any other fraudulent space agency for answers about where you live.

Also please forgive the horrible grammar. I am a high school dropout.
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@TBIman We are having this conversation as part of a response to a post about astronomy, and now we are moving far beyond that. I will respond to you in private, which I probably should have done a lot sooner, as we have drifted away from the spirit of the original post long ago.
Butterflykisses24 · 51-55, F
@DrWatson thank you
TBIman · 41-45, M
@DrWatson Yeah man, I'm sorry. I do not know how to respond privately. No worries though. Just do not respond and you will most likely never hear from me again. Thank you for being respectful towards me throughout our correspondence.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@DrWatson Don't waste you time lol