Right??? Who doesn't we are apart of the sky. We're floating around in space.
river52 · 70-79, M
Just got back from a fishing trip.... skies in the mountains were spectacular
mayday · M
The night sky in part of Florida was full of smoke and fire last night as the SpaceX Falcon Heavy launched! 🙌🙌🙌

I love looking up at the stars, my car has a glass roof , I love v driving home from w work under the stars

you probably need a telescrope. Ir you can try downloading a software called Stellaruim, You would like it
Hanging2 · 51-55, M
Me too.
I love lying on the kids trampoline at night in summer and stare at the stars. Hoping to see a satellite or a shooting star.
I love lying on the kids trampoline at night in summer and stare at the stars. Hoping to see a satellite or a shooting star.
Lilnonames · F
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