@jshm2 It is claimed that the other planets are spheres and so therefore Earth must also be a sphere. Firstly, Earth is a “plane” not a “planet,” so the shape of these “planets” in the sky have no bearing on the shape of the Earth beneath our feet. Saying that the earth must be a sphere because the planets are spheres is akin to saying that since pool balls are spherical then the pool table must also be spherical. It's completely illogical.
Secondly, these “planets” have been known for thousands of years around the world as the “wandering stars” since they differ from the other fixed stars in their relative motions only. When looked at with an unprejudiced naked-eye or through a telescope, the fixed and wandering stars appear as luminous discs of light, NOT spherical terra firma. The pictures and videos shown by NASA of spherical terra firma planets are all clearly fake computer-generated images, and NOT photographs.
Using even the most advanced non-NASA telescopes, however, the fixed and wandering stars appear to be nothing more than tiny dots of multi-colored light. It cannot be ascertained whether fixed stars are actually distant suns, whether wandering stars are actually Earth-like planets, or whether any of NASA’s claims hold any validity outside of their alleged pictorial evidence from these supposed remote-controlled flying space-telescope images! Outside of NASA, what evidence do we have that stars are actually distant solar systems? What evidence do we have that planets are Earth-like places in space? They are certainly interesting and plausible ideas, but there is absolutely no empirical evidence to support them. In fact, if NASA hadn’t implanted such ideas into their heads, very few people would ever look up at the night sky and assume those little pin-pricks of light were all Earth-like objects millions of miles away, or suns trillions of miles away, complete with orbiting planets and moons just like ours! The only reason people believe wandering stars are Earth-like planets and fixed stars are distant suns is because of NASA propaganda.
“The planets are not solid, opaque masses of matter, as is believed. They are simply immaterial, luminous and transparent discs.” -Gabrielle Henriet, “Heaven and Earth” (23)
“By the aid of the telescope have been discovered in the starry vault in the celestial fields which light traverses, as in the corallas of our flowering plants, and in the metallic oxides, almost every gradation of prismatic colour between the two extremes of refrangibility. In a cluster near the Southern Cross - red, green, blue, and bluish green - appear in large telescopes, like gems of many colours, like a superb piece of fancy jewellery.” -Alexander von Humboldt
If stars are all distant planets or suns, how is it that various phenomena have often been observed including stars changing color, intensity of light, sudden appearance, disappearance, or shooting quickly from one place to another? I have watched single stars changing their colors as regularly as a disco ball, others shooting through the sky and disappearing, and stranger still, I once saw a star shoot quickly straight upwards through the sky for two seconds and then stop again!
Look at what planets and stars actually look like in a telescope: