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I Want To Protect The Water Supplies Of The Earth

Water . . More Precious Than Gold, Oil, Or Diamonds . . Because It Is The Life Source Of Earth.... I have been in unbelievable shock after watching a very chilling documentary on the biggest hoax to date pulled on 95% of the world's population. It seems as though almost every country in the world is having its water supply taken over by the government co-operatives, independents water co-operatives and the like.

Huge conglomerates are buying rights from city governments all over the Uunited states as we speak. Judicial systems in these city governments are finding in the favor of conglomerates about 90% of the time. While John Q Public is getting his life blood -FRESH CLEAN WATER- stolen right out from under his nose.

Oh and remember how we fought about all these plastic water bottles causing more pollution???? Well get this...the bottled water you are thinking is coming from a fresh clean spring is not. About 80% of bottled water does not come from a fresh clean spring and some of this bottled water has been found to have arsenic and other poisons in its contents. Even the most highly respected bottled waters have been tested and found no more purer than regular tap water. In studies of some western states the tap water was actually more pure than the bottled water sold at nearby stores in the same area.

I think this issue is just as important as the Oil Spill in the Gulf. Maybe even more. Did you know that the majortiy of our water sources are either owned by profiteering conglomerates who have perpretrated the hoax that only bottled water is good enough for you. Why because water and bottled water and bottled water, land rights, price per pound, and all this industry needs to sell this lie has become a multi-billion dollar business.
Before we lose every our rights to good, clean, free water don't you think we should look at this matter and become part of the world wide grassroot movement to stop this suicidal madness of big business.

Peace, Blessings and Light to You,
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Many big companies in UK are filtering tap water and bottling it. Some of the supermarkets own brands bottled water are manufactured in this way. Here in the UK we get high quality water through our taps. Don't fall for the fashion of being precious about what water you drink. Be grateful it's available at a reasonable cost and don't squander it on flowers and grass. Water is a finite resource and we all need it.
Have you seen a doco on Asteroids that carried ice on their tail, could be one aspect of how water got to the earth after the volcanic eruptions when the earth had cooled down…

Cosmic water with seeds
<p>A good point, but... still we have dangerous city and national concerns all over the world about the availability of water in the next (7) seven years.....for the planet.***</p>
Thank you for reading & commenting on this story! YAY!!
Hugs, livingwell
I'm encouraged that more and more people like yourself are waking to the corporate takeover of our water sources.
Yes, Good old tap water.... re bottled and sold for Gold...

Happy B on the 14th.....
Thank you for reading this. YAY!! Hugs, LW

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