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Without getting into the weeds about the reservoirs north of LA, the largest is empty it normally contains several million ga.lons of water which could have been used to fight the fires.
Its been dry for several months because of a leak.
Well that is a lie. It has a cover which had a tare. Supposedly it was allowed to run dry to fix the tare.
This is my question. The cover is there to prevent contamination from bird shit.
Chicago and surrounding cities in Michigan and Wisconsin
get their water water from Lake Michigan.
Pretty certain there is bird shit, fish shit and people shit.
It gets filtered and treated. Why cant the California water be treated and filtered?
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3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
The answer is desalination plants. The entire Pacific Ocean is at their doorstep. Buy once, cry once and provide jobs.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
It’s California
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
They drained it to fix a leaky cover? lol
Because who's going to pay? Americans pay for war and roads to burn themselves down. Not good things. When you vote against Greens you win death!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@Roundandroundwego try speaking english.
Greens control California
@Patriot96 no Greens control any legislative bodies. Dems and Republicans do, for sure. But you have your own private Idaho. Where there's no reason for change and you will rebuild the suburbs and continue to burn. Gahead!
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MethDozer · M
Because it is a low lying reservoir in the desert, not a flowing lake that empties. Completely different things.

They use covers and shade balls because everything that goes in stays in unlike a lake, and it's actually more to prevent evaporation and UV from sunlight reacting with bromine and chlorine added to the reservoir. Since, it's LA and LA is in a fucking desert
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@MethDozer dont they filter the water like they do with the water from lake Michigan.
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It would be too easy for them to, calis love complications, they prefer to work harder, not smarter.

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