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I Like To Go To Nude Sauna

Have you been in Nude Sauna?
JoeXP · 56-60, M
Yes many times, in places like Germany, Austria and Hungary it is obligatory to be completely nude in the sauna. Well not completely- you are supposed to wear rubber flip-flops because the floor can be slippery. I only say this because I lost mine and slipped bruising my bottom which resulted in a real telling off from the lady attendant!
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QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
Yes, it was for females only at the Venetian hotel in Las Vegas. The entire spa was clothing optional, as we had it reserved for ourselves.
BlueMark · 56-60, M
Yes, in Germany. Open mixed spas are normal.
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I have and it was wonderful!
LarryZ · 56-60, M
Yes. Best way to go to cleanse the pores. Have you ever gone that way? It’s not as embarrassing as you think. Best way is to go where everyone is naked. Then no one stares at you in a suit.
Mk8155 · M
I have a German friend that enjoys going to saunas there. They have towels but the nudity is no big deal
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Of course. Why would you wear clothes in a sauna or a hot tub or a swimming pool or in a lake or river or ocean?
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QueenOfSmiles · 46-50, F
@lacsar While wearing a swimsuit; most are near a swimming pool.
BlueMark · 56-60, M
@QueenOfSmiles the correct way to sauna is way of cleansing pores in a swimsuit.
BlueMark · 56-60, M
Yes in Germany all the sauna/spas are nude. Even the hotel spas.
I’m back in Germany soon 😉
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Yes, love it. And sex in a sauna is hot too, if you'll excuse the pun.
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Hippymobiler70 · 26-30, M
Yes lol kinda embarrassing
Scooter · 22-25, M
No, but I'd like to try one.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
Of course
caesar7 · 61-69, M
Yes....all the time at my cottage by the lake
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