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Bed night routines

Like always. We go to the bedroom. He turn off the lights. I jump in to bed. I put on the flashlight on my phone and direct it at his crotch while he dress of til naked. But as he stood in front of the bed this time and I was waiting for tonight's snake show, he put ON clothes instead of off. 😠

I hate cold.
Montanaman · M
"Heavenly Nightly Routine"

He handed her a glass of wine, and watched her towel off.
Gorgeous dark, damp hair tumbling down her shoulders, her body hidden beneath the one towel remaining.
Clean and fresh, glistening with water droplets on her skin.
She savored the glass of red before she took a drink, smiling at him and his "Cool Hand Luke" grin. He was wondering what she was thinking, wondering if she could hear his heart pounding away in his chest. He was sure, Jackson, their St. Bernard could hear it, as the big dog lay at his feet in the middle of the bathroom floor, tail wagging, matching his heartbeat.
He just watched her, finishing her nightly routine,
Her Sultry looks took away his breath and her fragrance that she lightly dabbed on, almost made him come undone.
She finished her glass of wine and removed the towel wrapped around her supple body and gave him an inviting wink.
"Well, I'm going to feed the dog, then go to bed," she teasingly said.
His reply, was simple but sly-
"I'll settle for half that action, Jackson."
Montanaman · M
@Queendragonfly She's got that half 👍😉
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Montanaman Jackson will storm in to the bedroom jump up on you and yerk at your leg til he gets food.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Montanaman Yeah she Better!
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
I laughed out loud at the phrase “snake show”! 😆
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Winston335 · 56-60, M
Snake show … love it 😂
Honest woman too

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