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A bit too much?

Years ago, when I ran a business from my home studio, I sub-contracted work from two women. They knew I was a nudist, had no problem with it, and would routinely come to my home/studio to place orders and make pick-ups. And, being an exhibitionist, I'd try to look my "best" by having an erection whenever possible.

But one day it got a bit out of hand...

One of the two partners came to the house to make their weekly pick-up. It took her several trips to transfer the order from the studio out to her car, and, making sure to look my best as usual, each time she walked out the front door I'd give myself a few strokes to stay perky, watching out the windows to see her returning and to make sure I wasn't stroking myself when she came back in the door.

But THIS time, for some reason, I stroked a bit too much. As she walked in the door and began picking up parts of her order I could feel that tickling building in my balls, and then up through my cock and realized I has going to have a hands-free orgasm while she was in the room. Nothing I could really do, and I never knew if she realized/saw the cum dripping from my cock. She never mentioned it, just kept going in and out, picking up her order.
all part of the service!!
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