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Home Nudity

Yes, it’s so great having a situation that allows complete home nudism. I’m able to strip when I arrive home and dress only when I leave. I also work from home Mon and Fri so it’s possible to only dress for 9 hours 3x a week. It’s great that my wife supports this lifestyle choice. The amount of laundry we do is so much less since mostly it’s only towels and sheets.
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
after 17 I left my family and during that time am trying to live my life as less cloths as I can use , now am 34 living in family of my employer , whenever in townhouse it's not possible to be completely nude as lady of the house not allowed me to do so but in absence of her in day time I work naked or bottomless , whenever in country house no one living there except me so I really never needs cloths there even whenever am in outdoor work too
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
The man of the house
lonelyloner · 31-35, F
@SalttyDawg you mean Professor ? yes he does
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oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
Good for you ,, i am retired and would be nude all the time at home ,, but can only be when alone ,, or when i go to a clothing optional area
MarilynB · 56-60, F
@oldercanuck1 for me mostly around the house
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@MarilynB a good place to start or if you enjoy that ,, we all start at home ,, i was young when i started going nude outdoors ,,
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biandlargeny · 56-60, M
I will be able to enjoy home nudity next week, working from home
MarilynB · 56-60, F
Nicenlongnthick · 41-45, M
Always naked at home inside and in the pool
Massageman · 70-79, M
@Nicenlongnthick We used to have a hot tub, so easy to peel once in there. But after 23 years, it finally broke to the point that it wasn't worth fixing. Back to being stuck with tan lines.
kwood1 · 61-69, M
Excellent arrangement 😀
a dream scenario
biandlargeny · 56-60, M
you are now
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
I can be naked whenever I want at home too, but I only do so when its not cold. Also I can't do it during working from home. We regularly have on-camera meetings.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@FeetAreFantastic Similarly, but I do have the advantage that I am now retired, and never need participate in any meetings using cameras anyway.

I don't even have the equipment and software - but could not have worked either from or at, home anyway.

More often I am not fully nude, but only partly dressed.

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