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I am blessed to be raised by her.

“It is jealousy, possessiveness, hatred, anger, violence; it is a thousand and one things except love. It masquerades as love—because all these things are so ugly they cannot exist without a mask.”

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So my mom is one of the purest innocent souls I have ever met on this planet , who loves living the way she wants to live without caring what the world thinks. I guess this is because of her upbringing and the era and environment in which grew up.

She was raised in a country side on farm in a very large house. She told stories of her adolescent and early teens where she and her friends on her way back from school would stop by river banks, strip naked and leave the clothes on the sandy bank and dive into the river to cool off during summers.

She was alien to the concept of shame , which meant she was very comfortable stripping naked every day in front of boys and girls of all ages from her school. They would all run along the banks of the river , play games like hide and seek, climb trees and be free as nature intended them to be.

When she got married and moved to urban place which was not crowded but had more people than her village , she said she came to know the concept of shame , but because of her casual upbringings she could not fully understand .

In the early 1980s She was in her very early 20s when she was introduced to the lifestyle of OSHO and his teachings which she could understand and relate to, as it was very close to how she lived her life. This awakened her and cleared her vision as his words made more sense than ever.

She always quoted wisdom of OSHO regularly “Never treat any person as a means. Treat everybody as an end in himself, in herself—then you don’t cling, then you are not attached. You love, but your love gives freedom—and, when you give freedom to the other, you are free. Only in freedom does your soul grow. You will feel very, very happy.”

She never has the sense of ownership and has been free from materialistic things. She always says that if it were not for the moral policing and social norms , she would never own clothing as well. Till date I have never seen her applying makeup or hair colour.
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@OldMan70 thanks
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RedBaron · M
So you thank her and show your respect and love by posting her nude photo online?
@RedBaron She would not mind
Strict4u · 56-60, M
She is very beautiful
@Strict4u thanks for the compliments
Strict4u · 56-60, M
@voyeur thank you for such a awesome post and the compliments you made about her she sounds amazing
@Strict4u thanks she is amazing
Samek · 36-40, M
The truest form of humanity; no hiding or denying, just pure self. Thank you for this touching tribute.
Natureman · 61-69, M
She is gorgeous
She is very sexy!

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