An emotional evening
Had a very emotional evening last night. I had been angsty for the second day in a row, just mired in anguish, boredom, frustration, and general malaise. And I was being very bratty. I was effected by chemical imbalances, hormonal fluctuations, friend problems, family drama, and just general angst. Daddy picked me up and gave me a ride home, but I didn’t say thank you and apparently I just texted on my phone. Then when we got home I tried to hang up my coat and it slipped off the hanger. I got so annoyed so I just threw it on the floor in the closet. Soon after, he came up and I was still sighing and just looking at my phone. At a certain point I see him sit beside me on the bed and I notice the hairbrush. I immediately protested, saying it wasn’t fair and I hadn’t even done anything. He just kept saying he won’t have a brat in this house, and that I’ve needed this since yesterday. I kept saying no, it's not fair, until he said “this is happening.” I eventually turned over and he lowered my shorts and panties. I started crying right away, as soon as the brush made contact. That didn’t stop me from talking back and continuing to insist that it wasn’t fair. After being threatened to have my legs lifted, I sobbed and just stayed still. I still wriggled and kicked, but I tried my best to stay in place. I was then told to take off my shorts completely, go hang up my coat properly, and then to stand in the corner. I sobbed but I didn’t say anything, I did as I was told and when I got to the corner I cried into the wall. I found my head sinking into that corner as the tears flowed. I didn’t know if the spanking was over or not, and that was scary. At a certain point Daddy comes back, turns me around, and tells me to look at him. He asked if I knew why he had to spank me. I said yes, I was being a brat. I continued crying as I tried to look at him directly. Then he asked if I knew how much he loves me, and I said yes. After a long hug, it was over. I didn’t bother asking if I could put my shorts back on, I just laid on the bed in nothing but a tank top as we watched a documentary together. Things immediately felt better. I felt better than I had in days, and we had one of the nicest evenings ever. It made me feel so lucky. DD is so powerful and can bring immediate harmony and closeness. It was an evening I’ll never forget. I will especially never forget the way his voice sounded when he asked if I understood why he had to do that, and how much he loved me. I understood both so deeply, and I was so grateful to have someone who loves me enough to discipline me like that when needed.