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My first experience having threesome say your thoughts or opinion

So basically some guy invited me over to his friends house for a party. I hadn’t seen this guy for a while . The party was good and when everyone left it was me and the guy and his friend and his friends girlfriend . His friends girlfriend fell asleep and then the guy asked me to have threesome. Before I had said no to fuck him but now the situation was different cuz his cute friend was going to be involved. I personally just wanted to try something new. I enjoyed the threesome but still the two of those couldn’t manage to make me cum. Women really do run the world. Anywyas the problem now is that I want to confirm with the guys friend that a condom was used. I know they used condoms throughout the sex but I just want to confirm for my own sanity. And the guy who invited me to the party is making a big deal out of me wanting confirmation and he has not opened my message for ages. If these people are not careful with me I will just text the girlfriend of his friend. I have nothing to lose.. or maybe I’ll just threaten to text her.
What did you expect when you have anonymous casual sex? It is like fast food-fast, cheap, easy. Hopefully you won't get an STD or pregnant. His not opening your messages is a message in itself. Tell me something, will you do this again?
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@PoetryNEmotion yeah I enjoyed the condom was used but still I wanted to hear confirmation from them but ah well at least I know to never do it again with people I don’t have a strong relationship with
@Cherryblossom10 Then you have learned something valuable. I hope it all works out safely for you.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Thank you @PoetryNEmotion
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
It seems like they actually used condoms, so I’m not sure why confirmation is needed.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
The confirmation is needed for my sanity lol I will feel good about myself after it’s confirmed . Okay fine I’ll just forget about the confirmation and go on with my life as if the threesome never happened @StevetheSleeve
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Cherryblossom10 Nah, go ahead and blackmail those dudes. What great drama.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Yeah I’m thinking I shud if he doesn’t reply me within the next two days I will just say “ oh I’m gonna ask the girlfriend for her boyfriends contact “ and then I might have to come to that girl as a woman @StevetheSleeve
Miram · 31-35, F
What is the fun in having sex without the fireworks. Don't get it.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
It was just to see what it would be like with two guys , I still enjoyed but I know I would enjoy more if it was my boyfriend and another guy @Miram
Highskirt · 56-60, M
Un fortunately most guys want a quick bit of fun and really dont care about safety or protection. Assume no condoms were used .i hope this works out good for you .all the best to you
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
So pessimistic ahh , I’m crying now , I mean it will work out I just wanted the confirmation that they used the protection throughout the whole sex @Highskirt
Highskirt · 56-60, M
@Cherryblossom10 i did not mean to upset you .i feel it very un fair the guys are not getting back to you to put your mind at rest .
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Yeah they are evil , never again , I don’t regret it but I know now to do it with people who’ care about me , @Highskirt
deadteddy · 26-30, F
Why do you sound like a man so much
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
I sound like a man ?? Really how .. elaborate . U find this comment quite interesting cuz I’m a 20 year old girl @deadteddy
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
How ???@deadteddy
In that case, it's your responsibility to know if a condom was used, not theirs. They are also not obligated to respond.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
It’s all of our responsibilities cuz it doesn’t take one person to make a child , girl u are giving me pick me energy @Souls
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Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@Souls instead of shaming a girl for choosing to have fun and enjoy sex I suggest u go and do some soul searching and find a brain aswell , std cannot be passed when a condom is used .. and I’m not easy at all , I clearly said that the threesome was simply cuz. I’ve never experienced it and there’s a first time for everything , I suggest u go and have one 😂😂someone whose easy does things to please other people , the likes. Of u are easy to men cuz u want to please them so much that u are the type to blame your daughter for becoming pregnant instead of going to also give out to the guy who impregnated her , get off my page
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
I’d just get an std test and not bother with confirmation
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@Muthafukajones ok I will do that
Muthafukajones · 46-50, M
Please don’t worry about your std test either. STDs aren’t that common. You’re probably just fine! Still get checked and be happy! Best wishes @Cherryblossom10
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Oh thank u I appreciate your advice a lot @Muthafukajones
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Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Yeah I suppose the aftermath was weird @Havesomefun2
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Budwick · 70-79, M
What a fun story to share with your fiance one day - maybe at Thanksgiving dinner!
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
What’s wrong with you lol there are some stories I’ll take to the grave with me @Budwick
Don't get drunk around guys you don't know or trust.
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
Okay okay I understand @Spoiledbrat
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Try the girlfriend next time, she’ll get the job done
Animalvan · 56-60, M
Why use a condom??
Cherryblossom10 · 22-25, F
@Animalvan to avoid any chance of std

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