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summersong · F
I’ve seen fewer tits than anyone here.

Dicks on the other hand…
@summersong Good grief, salamis, frankfurts, little smokies
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
I have not🥺
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@DrScissorhands Let’s touch tips
@JRVanguard Just the tips
[image deleted]
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
@DrScissorhands Of course
bookerdana · M
I have NOT!!!🤧 Who has been spreading these slanders??

Wanna see my "hotwife",though? 😳
bookerdana · M
@DrScissorhands Just part of the survey,ma'am......
@bookerdana Otay, just making sure
bookerdana · M
@DrScissorhands You'll be the fiirst to know if I see them though 😀
Classified · M
@DrScissorhands You mean nowhere and never? 🤔
@Classified I can neither confirm nor deny 🤨
Classified · M
@DrScissorhands Do both 😶
Is that the time?? Must dash 👋
@SW-User Omw to your DMs
I don't think so... Why? Have you lost them?
scooogy · 31-35, MVIP
Maybe you left them on the bus 👀
Iwantout · 26-30, M
Have you lost them? 😱
@DrScissorhands We could arrange a search party. Helpful bunch here on SW.
@NudasPriest I entrust them with my life
DDonde · 31-35, M
Have you checked the couch
@DDonde Think they up and left into someone's mail
@V00doo You're not missing out
@DrScissorhands 🤔 somehow I think I am 😔
@V00doo Pinky promise. Ask 'em 😭😭😭

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