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I set my profile to Female and had a cute woman as my pfp for 24 hours.

I had more people message me in 24 hours than I've had in the 15 years I've been part of this community.
Many broken men, lonely men, disgusting men, and some cool people too.

Women aren't for our sexual enjoyment, y'all. Seriously. Pull your shit together and start becoming better men.
Sick of y'all.

Anyway I hope everybody has a great day.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F Best Comment
I found your pic on reverse image search that you used 🤣
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SW-User Thanks for BC. I laughed so hard because your account says verified and I know for damn sure those men didn’t click on your verification picture. I thought that was hilarious 🤣.
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Ahh I didn't think there were two of you! :D
Yes they are ,quit simping for hoes
@SW-User it's what the Lord wants so they don't turn into simping pussies , expert advice
@PepsiColaP would u use a wet chicken to humiliate me
@SW-User yes no
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I noticed you switched it up. Thanks for the report back.
Eye opener huh?
@V00doo Yeah I'm sorry men exist
@SW-User Its not all. There a many gentlemen here too.

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