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(Warning: Very Adult) Do you think there would be more Classroom Discipline if Teachers were allowed to Humiliate Students who act up in class?

Poll - Total Votes: 40
1) Yes, this kind of Humiliation would work perfectly for students that misbehave
2) It would work to restrain naughty girls because most girls are timid about public nudity
3) It would not work for the more 'Well Endowed' boys because many of them would love to show off
4) I am opposed to that form of humiliation. Even misbehaving students should not be humiliated.
5) That would be a great form of humiliation and punishment and would work well if it were allowed.
6) There are other forms of humiliating punishment that I would prefer that are not so severe
7) There are other forms of punishment that I would prefer that are even more humiliating
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mindless · M
only for students who choose that kind of educaation
1490wayb · 56-60, M
she has quite a mound
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
That 'mound' I'll bet has been 'mounted'
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Possibly less
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@laurieluvsit I figured as much lol. My dad was an educator for 40 yrs, so its ingrained in my dna. I apologize.
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
Be who you are, that's what makes you unique!
@laurieluvsit unique = special and not in the fun way either, more in the 'little ginger brother that you never wanted' lol
JustaBuddy · 41-45, M
No...people would act up on purpose
MoonMoon · F
i think humilation could work for bullies... but there are better ways to humilate someone then stripping em naked
laurieluvsit · 26-30, F
Any hints as to what methods you have in mind? :)
MoonMoon · F
@laurieluvsit public apologies, cleaning the bathrooms, having to serve the food but not allowed to eat with others... all very humbling, more so then just take off your clothes, i usually have a good time naked so its not exactly a punishment

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