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This is a dark, deep, and erotic tale about betrayal, psychological manipulation, and life takeover.

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The Psychiatrist steals the family of the first divorce lawyer
The Psychiatrist steals the family of the second divorce lawyer
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If you were the husband of one of these divorce lawyers and you were getting tired of your marriage to your wife. You begin having an affair with the psychiatrist. Both you and the psychiatrist begin having the illicit affair, the psychiatrist begins gaslighting your divorce lawyer wife, the psychiatrist plants illegal material at the work of your divorce lawyer wife, your wife loses her job, and goes crazy. Your divorce lawyer wife gets locked up in an institution. Both you and the psychiatrist get married, and the psychiatrist legally adopts the kids that you have with your lawyer wife and the psychiatrist becomes the new mother of your kids that you have with the divorce lawyer wife.

Would you be the first divorce lawyer's husband and be with the psychiatrist or would you want to be the second divorce lawyer's husband and be with the psychiatrist?

Here are 2 photos of the first divorce lawyer

Here are 2 photos of the second divorce lawyer

Here are 2 photos of The Psychiatrist

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