Qwerty14 No it wasn't third waves that changed that, it was the second waves that changed that and there were tradcons reacting to that negatively because they're traditionalists that want the 1930s. Nowadays with feminism, it's all or none rather than be grateful for what they do have and have women recognize the natural side of their femininity. Thus CMNF existed before third wave feminism existed. Men were more masculine and women were more feminine than they are now and it's not sexist to recognize that, third wave feminism didn't stop sexism, instead the third waves hates the nature of masculinity and femininity and want equal outcome instead of equal opportunity and that's not equality at all. Yes there were radicals in second waves and so on but there were moderates that focused on the rights of women instead of hating men and wanting female supremacy, nowadays it's not about rights anymore and is about radicalism hence the roots of third and fourth wave feminism..