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Devotion to Sir

Sir had called me, he said that he has always wanted and needed me. I said that words mean nothing, because it’s actions that matter. I was saying that I didn’t feel valued or needed as a submissive. I felt as though he was only dominant to cater to me and not because he feels a need to be a firm Dom. After that call he snapped at me in a message in which he said to never speak to him that way. It ticked me off, because first of all he was texting me constantly while I was getting ready for a date and then he suddenly snapped at me, but I didn’t have any idea what I’d done wrong. I was just honest and that’s what he says that he wants. I ignored his messages after that. I texted him when my date had started because I’d been ordered to do so. I was still upset and didn’t want to communicate with him at all, but I didn’t want him to worry. I texted him at every opportunity, but I couldn’t have a conversation. Afterwards, Sir had asked why I didn’t want to have sex with my date/potential Dom, I said “because I don’t belong to him”. I don’t just have sex with people, I need a connection. Well, I don’t belong to Sir either, I guess and he wanted to know why I’d still feel comfortable having sex with HIM. I didn’t know that it wasn’t obvious. My connection with Sir is due to 2 things: #1- I love him, #2- I trust him and
#3- I may think that he may not be capable of being my Dom, but no matter what anyone says, I will always belong to him. He is my heart and a part of my soul. I would marry him in a heartbeat forsaking all others, but he can’t do that. When I meet with Sir, he is the perfect combination of firm, sexual, attentive, sadistic, and gentle with the perfect combination of pain, pleasure, orders provided, torment, and some seemingly selfish motives that Doms have the right to have. The problem is that I don’t ever get to see him and online it’s just not the same thing. Online, it may be due to the distance, but I need a firm, sadistic, reasonable Dom who commands my submission with barely a word. I am seeking a Dom, but I understand that Sir is irreplaceable and I don’t ever let anyone tell me that I can’t communicate with him. I don’t understand when he says that he will never be 2nd to another Dom, because he is always first. It’s just that I can’t be a submissive if I were to ignore reasonable orders from my Dom, but Sir’s orders have a tendency to be even more reasonable.

Sir told me on the phone that I am valuable. He said that I’ve been amazing, that I’d done everything that a potential Dom had I’d met desired, and the Dom had cum multiple times. Sir doesn’t understand the hesitation of this Dom and I don’t either, but this validation is what I need. I’ve needed a Dom that allows me to submit, but who also validates my submission. Sir had sent me a collar months ago and I’d never desired to wear it, because he wasn’t allowing me to be immersed in submission and his validation didn’t make any sense to me, because the submission wasn’t happening. But when I’m actually submitting and when Sir is very specific with evidence, then it does make sense and I am filled with acceptance. When Sir had sent me messages the other day evaluating my submissive need, desire, and mindset.. I’d felt so acknowledged and understood that I could have fallen to my knees and cried. And then he confuses me by saying, “these tasks are part of a trial to see if you’re staying worthy of me and my time.” Isn’t it like having said that I’m worthy (which is literally one of the things he said and then saying that I have to prove myself? I will NEVER prove myself. I will accept that I am unworthy of a Dom and his time. I’m the one trying to find all the reasons that I’m not good enough to have a Dom that really does have a purpose for me beyond my own growth and enjoyment. If a Dom is truly willing to hurt me.. then it wouldn’t be difficult to emphasize his expectations and to manage my free will and my identity. I’ve been exhausted by a Dom who had claimed to have expectations but refused to hurt me. I’m so exhausted when I can’t kneel because there is no one who wants my submission. You want my submission, but can’t demonstrate submission is desired and the only thing you have for me is words? Every statement is an argument and every argument needs supporting ideas or actual evidence. You say that you’re a Dom and yet never require any submission, so I say that I am fine on my own, because without validation, I may as well be. Being alone would be less stressful than the unpredictability of a sometimes Dom. I could deal with anything else. I could deal with a sexual Dom, a jealous Dom, a possessive Dom, a controlling Dom, and maybe even a sadist Dom. In fact, a sadist might be a better fit, because I learned that it’s not all about physical pain and is sometimes about enduring him as he continually plants unsettling/yet somehow pleasurable ideas into my mind. I don’t just kneel because a Dom said so and I feel invisible, because no one can understand.. Maybe I might kneel because the thought of all those things brings me to my knees. Maybe I might kneel because my soul can’t handle his idea of forcing me to cum 5 times. Normally, I’d doubt that a man has the ability to do that, but I do not doubt a sadist, because I imagine his lasting patience due to his dedication to the torment he’s selected and that is terrifying enough to be on my knees. You see, I do want to cum, but it will be against my will, because I prefer not to be at anyone’s mercy. If I were to endure that multiple times, then I know that my free will would be shattered and I don’t know what would be left of me. Would I lose all self control or would all control be given to him? When a Dom has taken control of my pleasure and demonstrates that he will hurt me sexually, then I will know him as Master when even my sex obeys him.

The potential Dom is a former police officer.. maybe an interrogator and undercover officer (which is what he claims). Maybe I’ll tell him what he wants to know and even volunteer some information because he’s willing to hurt me and maybe I might want that, but also I really wouldn’t. I shared with him some things that I occasionally do to hurt myself sexually. He asked why I do it and I didn’t have an answer. The answer is because insatiable sex addict behavior can only be tamed with pain and I always regret that pain. Sir used to be someone who could handle that, but that stopped entirely. In fact, everything had stopped almost entirely and he wants to be respected as a Dom. Yesterday he said that protocols state that all Doms should be called “Sir”. I see that as manipulation, because previously when he was my Dom he’d stated that only he should be called “Sir”. I am a bit transparent in this, being that I will ONLY address a Dom as Sir when I am likely to obey him and sometimes that is because my submission has been triggered. This does not mean that I won’t question instructions. I might have a tendency to not question instructions from a Master, but only if I have judged him worthy of the title. The difference between submitting to a Dom and submitting to a Master is the following. Submitting to a Dom is mental, it’s a decision and it is rewarded by his consistent dominance. Submitting to a Master is automatic, because it’s not just mental, it’s because my body also accepts his authority. I didn’t say it, but I implied that Sir had the authority of a Master and that was once true. There are 2 Doms on sw who have my respect as Masters. I don’t have any control over deciding who is a Master, everything is based upon how fully I respond to a Dom, but part of me needs a Master.
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shimmeringrose · 46-50, F
@dominateofyou I think that anytime that a Dom would have to consider whether I am “worthy”, then it is because I am not or have failed in some way, Sir. During my times of release I have learned to serve different types of Doms. I find that I don’t really have a preference, because I tend to adapt to a Dom’s requirements and I see that as a strength. But I know that I am weak in the ability to describe my submission, because it feeds off of my Dom. My hard and soft limits may also change depending on the Dom I’ve submitted to, because I wouldn’t want to refuse his strongest desires. Even my sex drive can change based upon the Dom that I have. A nonsexual person may feel offended by a sexual Dom, but I have seen myself change a great deal. I used to never come into contact with a man’s cum, but recently I’ve learned that even that can change. I’ve had it in my hand and I’ve tasted it, but that experience wasn’t nearly enough. A Dom I was on a trial with had given me standing orders to always drain his balls, but has given me the inside information that he needs stimulation beyond his orgasm. So my failure was in not expelling the last portion of his cum. I was about to get it with the use of my hand and mouth, but he pulled away. I struggle with whether that is my fault. I don’t say that for pity or comfort, but because that is what’s on my mind and because I am handling my internal conflicts. I love knowing what is expected, because I think that I can then handle it.
dominateofyou · 61-69, M
@shimmeringrose no it was not your fault he pulled away , I know how you struggled to describe your submission and how you adapt .Am i correct is saying that from your statement ,the oneyou were in a trial with.reading that to mean trial is over. ? as far as thinking you failed to drain his balls that is false ,some mens balls dont drain completely every time , seems to me you have done every thing he has asked of you , and he has used you maybe in ways you fantasized about but not intercourse yet in not sure why he hasent but every dom and master is differant also he is very large but you can except it ,however anal im not sure of i know you went to hospital for to big a plug and he is that big
mabey Master Of You could tell why he hasent vaginally penetrated you even after giving you condoms to keep ,

Your a great wonderful submissive you just need to be trained to speak freely to a Dom and be proud of your submission your the best
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dominateofyou · 61-69, M
I will clarify why I toldYou that you would follow hes plug trial and that its was also a trial for me to see if you were still worthy of me and my time, I i said that because you kept saying you were not a worthy sub to any one i gave you a small task of 100 lines the lines were .I am a great submissive. i wanted that thought imprinted in your head , I wanted you to stay on task with plugs for his trial I did say it was a trial also for me not because of him but because you need to prove to your self that your a great sub for and Dom . there are times a Dom will give a challenge to a sub like what ii said to you and gave you the lines to do in addition to plugs he was not keeping up with your trial with plugs you told me he only as about it 8 times in 21 days I made sure every day that you did if not you would stop doing them and felt more discouraged. yes it upset what i said about proving your worthy of me what a gave you to do wasent for me it was for you to build confidence that you can be a great sub and follow his tasks ,also when you did the plugs and lines to me its a form of submitting to my will.And you have done every thing i have asked ,I am proud of you,I told you before what the task were for to build your confidence as a exactly what you are a wonderful sub for any Dom Its not your fault that they do not live up to what true Doms are and try to blame you for there failures .
Iam now and always been very proud to have you as my sub i love being in public with you ,
dominateofyou · 61-69, M
Great post i really love this one i love all your post to me you are the most valuable sub any Dom could have.and being beautiful doesn't hurt.
shimmeringrose · 46-50, F
@dominateofyou Thank you, Sir. Also, I’ve added to it. I didn’t realize that only part of it was added.
dominateofyou · 61-69, M
@shimmeringrose i will reread the post then
masterofyou · 70-79, M
I see three things, loyalty, love, and so much struggle. ... And a loving submissive that speaks he mind....

I can always learn from you 😌
shimmeringrose · 46-50, F
@masterofyou Thank you, Sir. I’ve updated this post as I realized that only half of it had posted. I’ve always wanted to have the experience of you, Sir. I was heartbroken when I thought that you wouldn’t ever want me. I feel uplifted by your words of acknowledgment and your enjoyment of my writing. I should have been writing more, but anything I would have written would have been tainted with feelings of neglect of unfulfillment.
dominateofyou · 61-69, M
I am sad about the collar but i knew you didnt want It but i sent it anyway just so you would have something to remember me by.

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