Onlyfans is over glamourised.
Sorry to shatter your illusions but most people don’t make it big on there as there’s loads of Free porn online so you have to be doing something really special to make it pay off in an big way and your competing against those who actually go out and have sex with their clients. I’m an stripper and even I have an huge competition against those who are prostitutes or those who are younger than me , a lot guys don’t want to pay just to see an girl nude or dance for him without getting something in Return , most I’ve came across wanted me to go back to their place but I do well finically there , I admit I do but not as well as girls who actually do extras which is sex so I’ve decided to take up two side business that are completely different to the sexual industry. This isn’t to say nobody is successful , in fact some actually are on onlyfans but my advice is to always have an backup plan , that could be studying or having an side business or having an normal job just in case you ever have an bad patch of it or someone else out does you.