Last year on a camping trip on mushrooms I laughed about beans for hours and started calling people and telling them to change my name in their contacts to Mean Bean
@Pfuzylogic pistachio ice cream is really good. I wanted to buy some pistachio and almond ice cream a couple weeks ago but they only had it in a gallon size, so I got a pint of mint chocolate chip
@itsok Mint chocolate is pretty decent for a plan B but i would have bought the Pistachio if i wanted it. what i do miss is my Raisin Rum ice cream. They sold that three years ago during the winter holiday and i haven’t seen it since!
@itsok I am so glad it did. I had to go out for a UV light treatment in the city and when I was there this wave of exhaustion just hit me so bad. I ended up sitting in my SUV for 30 minutes before it passed. The doctor says it’s long haul covid. So lucky I am.
@itsok I have Pustular psoriasis, it’s as gross as it sounds. I have it inside of my ears, on the palms of my hands and the bottoms of my feet. Pretty much the worst areas besides the genital area. The UV light manages it. I have been doing this for 5 years. It’s an hour round trip for 5 minutes under the light and I go 2-3 times a week.
I am so glad your migraine didn’t amount to anything, I get them chronically so I get it.
I love watching kids play sports even if they don’t do well. I am glad you enjoyed that 💖.