SteelHands · 61-69, M
Socialists abhor tradition. They despise the idea of making a public address to thank their supporters, admit defeat and bow out.
They are obsessed with slandering and meddling with people. A concession speech goes against that.
They are obsessed with slandering and meddling with people. A concession speech goes against that.
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SteelHands · 61-69, M
@trollslayer what?
TRUMP wasn't raised among a brother and sister sibling group and lived in a home with a working father and mom, in one country? TRUMP never went to and graduated from the schools in his own country, got manly normal military training, never got married and had kids and actually had to manage a life avoiding non trad wives and finding new so he would have a trad living arrangement? TRUMP bypassed the traditional presidential primaries, the speeches, the townhall meetings and giving candidate pitches of his, not his opponents, not how he would seek to alter the fundamental three branches of the checks and balances but potential real world policies and historically applied solutions? He said , not the empty headed Harris, that the pasts its rich history and important lessons is a burden? Really?
His recognition of what we regular perceptive and unfake citizens who have families that fought and died in our wars to preserve this country isn't an American tradition?
That perception by the way that members of the Democratic house and Senate and a traitor that reliable print and televised media first introduced us to BARRY SOERTO , BORN IN KENYA AND A FIFTH COLUMN PRESS NOW PRINTS LIES THAT IT WAS NEVER PUBLISHED THAT WAY, as both the Clintons, while Joe Biden's grafting in China through his son hunter biden and members of his family, collusion and use of domestic terror groups like BLM and a historically well known quazi nazi competitor "zee antifascista" that's as old as that German one founded in 1933 to set fire to American cities during his presidency were appearing to be Soviet style swept under a rug as they falsely abused him, falsely accused me an my patriotic ones of being racist, phobic, domestic abusers and our religion a domestic threat?
TRUMP wasn't raised among a brother and sister sibling group and lived in a home with a working father and mom, in one country? TRUMP never went to and graduated from the schools in his own country, got manly normal military training, never got married and had kids and actually had to manage a life avoiding non trad wives and finding new so he would have a trad living arrangement? TRUMP bypassed the traditional presidential primaries, the speeches, the townhall meetings and giving candidate pitches of his, not his opponents, not how he would seek to alter the fundamental three branches of the checks and balances but potential real world policies and historically applied solutions? He said , not the empty headed Harris, that the pasts its rich history and important lessons is a burden? Really?
His recognition of what we regular perceptive and unfake citizens who have families that fought and died in our wars to preserve this country isn't an American tradition?
That perception by the way that members of the Democratic house and Senate and a traitor that reliable print and televised media first introduced us to BARRY SOERTO , BORN IN KENYA AND A FIFTH COLUMN PRESS NOW PRINTS LIES THAT IT WAS NEVER PUBLISHED THAT WAY, as both the Clintons, while Joe Biden's grafting in China through his son hunter biden and members of his family, collusion and use of domestic terror groups like BLM and a historically well known quazi nazi competitor "zee antifascista" that's as old as that German one founded in 1933 to set fire to American cities during his presidency were appearing to be Soviet style swept under a rug as they falsely abused him, falsely accused me an my patriotic ones of being racist, phobic, domestic abusers and our religion a domestic threat?

@SteelHands alright papaw time for your meds
TexChik · F
First it was the anger and Boo Hoo tears. She expected the cheat net work to work for her like it did Creepy Joe but the Republicans cleaned house in the RNC, and have been getting ready for this for several years. There was still cheating but the significant stuff was caught and removed. So she never planned on losing.
TexChik · F
@Mountainlady16 Me too, but they aren't liberal arts degrees. Ours actually come with the promise of employment after graduation! How crude of us! 🤣
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@TexChik true lol though a friend of mine that feels offended as well is a history major tech that is a liberal arts degree. but one that has alot of potential as well
Mountainlady16 · 22-25, F
@TexChik i went to college with a promise of employment my principal approached me before i finished high school with a promise of a job when i graduated
PicturesOfABetterTomorrow · 41-45, M
Tell me without telling me you are a racist.
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