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Kamala Harris calling their voters STUPID

beckyromero · 36-40, F
That small clip from a longer speech is from when she was California attorney general.

Harris was talking about a program to help reduce recidivism among young adults arrested on low-level charges by having those charges dismissed after completing the program.

Back on Track – Los Angeles was launched in March 2015. The program participants consist of non-violent, non-sexual, non-serious felons, ranging in age from 23 to 58. The number of prior arrests averages 20 times per offender, with drug crimes representing the largest offense category for both arrests and convictions.
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newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
That's the way! Keep on spreading deceit and sophistry while remaining unaware that people are completely fed up with such desperate tactics.

Keep your eyes firmly on what you used to do and keep on doing it.

See how it works out for you 😀
Cropping, visual or auditory, can easily create false notions.
Dems offer nothing but threaten everything. Sneer and deploy to Iran, murkans, you don't have a vote.
TrashCat · M
And whats the issue?
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